Sermon Series
  • 1. The Last Message Of Daniel

    Contributed on May 31, 2015

    For the unsaved, Daniel means controversy. For those who know Jesus and love His revelation, Daniel means excitement, the thrill of knowing the future and our part in it. Part one: the man Daniel, an overview of his book., and an answer to some charges.

    THE LAST MESSAGE of DANIEL OPENING COMMENTS Many have discovered and written of the following matters. I have even delved into Daniel a couple of times myself, and recorded those delvings. Often I have felt a bit of the awe and even the frustration which Daniel experienced . What does this more

  • 2. The Last Message Of Daniel, 2. Preparation For The Prophecy, Daniel 10

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2015

    Extensive preparation and angelic explanation precedes this most awesome of the Bible's prophecies.

    II. TO THE TEXT. DANIEL 10-12 A. The Preparation of the Man of God : 10:1-19 10:1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, but the appo inted time was long; and he understood the message, and had more

  • 3. The Last Message Of Daniel, 3. Persia, Alexander, And The Successors

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2015

    Here begins the predictions of the man of God via the Spirit of God, every one of which has, or will, come to pass. The Persian and Greek Empires are here seen, along with that which flowed from Greece's demise, which the Holy Spirit wants us to see!

    2: Persia, Alexander and the Successors 11:2b– 11:4 11:2b “Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia” In fact seven kings will rule in Persia, but the angel is asking Daniel to focus on the next three kings so as to pay special attention to the fourth. In 530 [all more

  • 4. The Last Message Of Daniel, 4. The Syrian Wars Begin

    Contributed on Jun 5, 2015

    Here we enter into some little-known but well-documented history, given in advance by Daniel the Prophet of God. In between the classic days of Greece and the Roman Empire, between the end of Malachi and the beginning of Matthew, lies a great pearl...

    3. The Syrian Wars Begin 11:5-10 11:5a “Then the king of the South shall become strong” He is a boyhood friend of Alexander the Great, son of a Macedonian named Lagus. Taken into Alexander’s army he slowly rises within the ranks, in the general group of the more

  • 5. The Last Message Of Daniel, 5: Antiochus The Great And Epiphanes

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2015

    Slowly the prophecy narrows to a family, then a man, the most important man of evil in the Old Testament days.

    4. Antiochus The Great 11:11-19 11:11a “the king of the South, shall be moved with rage, and go out and fight with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude;” This is the famed battle of Raphia , 217 BC, near the border of Palestine, the southern-most city in Syria. more

  • 6. The Last Message Of Daniel: 6, Looking Like The Antichrist

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2015

    Antiochus Epihpanes looks like a man who fits the prototype of the endtime man of sin. These are facts that came to pass already in the days between Greece and Rome. But much of his action looks modern too.

    11:29a “At the appointed time he shall return and go toward the south” In 168 is the third invasion of the Sixth War. Some say he had actually placed the crown on the head of Euergetes in the last campaign and is coming this time ostensibly to correct that matter by crowning the more

  • 7. The Last Message Of Daniel. From Maccabean Persecution To The End Of Time.

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2015

    Here is where the mystery is described but not explained. One moment we are decades before Christ's first coming, the next, we are at the second coming. Dig deep. Find the truth of this passage!

    11:35a “And some of those of understanding shall fall,” Even the most righteous, most helpful, most zealous, will be slain. Here is a warning for us today not to assume anything about church members undergoing persecution for the Lord. He takes home whom He will, when He will, for His more