Sermon Series
  • 1. The Jesus Way Vs The American Way

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012

    The church in North America is dying. Oh, I know it doesn’t look like it when you see all the mega churches popping up with their multi-million dollar facilities, and hey, we have six churches in this little town, but the number of Christians is decreasin

    The church in North America is dying. Oh, I know it doesn’t look like it when you see all the mega churches popping up with their multi-million dollar facilities, and hey, we have six churches in this little town, but the number of Christians is decreasing, not increasing every year on this more

  • 2. What Must We Know

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012

    If we are to be a disciple making church we all need to know the very basic things that are non-negotiable in the Word of God. So I’m not going to assume that we all know these things, and so even those who have been in the church for a very long time are

    If a rocket going to the moon is off by just 1 degree when it takes off from earth, it will miss the moon by a long shot and the cost of that will be immense. The same is true with our Christian lives. If we want to be true disciples of Christ and live as he commands, there are certain things we more

  • 3. What Must We Do?

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    So what does Scripture say is necessary for a person to be saved? What are the non-negotiables, the things that don’t require any interpretation? Well, as always let’s go to the source of all matters of Christian faith and practice, the Bible. And let’s n

    There was man named Simon who was a sorcerer or magician in Samaria. People thought he was great and he thought he was great. But then Phillip comes along, a nobody really, and he preaches the good news and also did many signs and miracles. And in Acts chapter 8 it says after seeing all this, even more

  • 4. How Must We Love?

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012

    “Why do you think I gave you my grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit?” My grace is sufficient, but sufficient for what? To keep you going forward in your mission in spite of insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties. It’s not just a get to heave

    You may be thinking, boy this series is sure a lot about what we must know, and must do, when do we get to some teaching about God’s love and grace. Well, part of me wants to say, we have had so much of that we have become mushy Christians who do very little for the Kingdom. Another part more

  • 5. Breaking Strongholds

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual Warfare, not really a very Baptist thing to talk about, or Mennonite for that matter. But just because we are uncomfortable with the idea, doesn’t mean it isn’t very real.

    Spiritual Warfare, not really a very Baptist thing to talk about, or Mennonite for that matter. But just because we are uncomfortable with the idea, doesn’t mean it isn’t very real. December 18th, the day the church was full, I had prepared a strong message, and we were doing more

  • 6. Made To Serve

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012

    The question I put to you today is, “Are you serving your King”. No country is going to be spared when all hell breaks loose, only citizens of the Kingdom of God.

    Some of you may be following the story that Israel is strongly considering attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities by the end of the spring. We have to remember that any middle eastern war is a Holy war. Middle Eastern countries see the West as Christian, we’re all Christians to them. And more

  • 7. Don't Tithe!

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Why is it a pastor seems to have your permission to talk about your marriage, your family, your workplace, but when they start to talk about your personal finances and giving there seems to be this real discomfort, and we get the rap right away of always

    Imagine we’re worshipping in heaven and you give me a shove, you say to me, “I’m really mad at you”. I say, “Oh, why is that”. Because you never told me how important it was to settle my account with the master. What do I mean? If you look at the parable of the more

  • 8. Let's Get Together

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Do you ever wonder what heaven is going to be like? Well I have a feeling Jesus wanted us to experience a little taste of it through the church.

    Do you ever wonder what heaven is going to be like? Well I have a feeling Jesus wanted us to experience a little taste of it through the church. We hear things like he has made us a Kingdom of Priests for God His Father, when speaking to the seven churches in Revelation. And again in Revelation 5, more

  • 9. Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you want to glorify God? No, I mean it, really in your heart, is that one of, if not your highest priority? Do you know one of the best ways to do it?

    How many of you have ever gotten a Christmas gift, and that gift has never been used, it has been on your shelf, maybe even still in the box for years. That is poor stewardship, at least re-gift it to someone else. Do you want to glorify God? No, I mean it, really in your heart, is that one of, more

  • 10. Go Tell It On The Mountain

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2012

    Not "go say it in your closet". 95% of professing Christians never share their faith, and of the 5% that do, 80% of them are new believers.

    Not "go say it in your closet". 95% of professing Christians never share their faith, and of the 5% that do, 80% of them are new believers. As I tell this story from 1 Kings 18, I want you to wonder why I’m using it to begin a sermon on evangelism…. Imagine the scene, over 400 decked more

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Dysfunction, Division, & Dreams


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