Sermon Series
  • 1. Peter's Incredible Zeal

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 110 ratings

    Many people read the Bible and read of Bible characters and stand in awe of what they could do and how they could live. We must never forget that people like Peter, were real people, with real problems, simply living their faith.

    Introduction Just about every kid has a period in their lives where they love superheroes. The kids idolize the superheroes ability to do the impossible, to fly, their incredible strength or their x-ray vision. When I was growing up, I loved superman. I wanted to be just like superman. I more

  • 2. Abraham's Incredible Faith

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    A look at the Incredible Faith of Abraham, and why he was considered by God as such a faithful man.

    The Incredibles: Abraham and His Incredible Faith Introduction: Superheroes are really exciting to watch and to read about, especially as a kid. Sadly we all grow up and realize that what they could do is not humanly possible. Sometimes we read of these great stories in the Bible of these more

  • 3. Paul's Incredible Example

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 65 ratings

    Paul was able to say, "follow me as I follow Christ". What is there about Paul’s example that we can learn from? Are you able to say that your example will lead others to Jesus?

    “Paul’s Incredible Example” Introduction: Mickey Mantle, an almost mythical baseball star who feared he had failed to fulfill career expectations because of alcohol abuse and whose recent years were haunted by self-recrimination, died of cancer. He was 63. The former New York Yankees center more