Sermon Series
  • 1. What This Salvation Is Going To Produce

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2023

    This sermon series is going to look at Romans 1-8 in seven sermons. This first sermon focuses on "what." This passage tells us what salvation is going to produce, then the following chapters tell us how it happens

    - This is a sermon series that summarizes Romans 1-8 in seven sermons. So we are just hitting the big ideas. - By the very nature of that, there will be much interesting material that we will have to skip over. It’s not unusual for pastors to do a sermon series on Romans 1-8 and take 50+ sermons more

  • 2. The Starting Point Of Salvation

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2023

    Paul starts his gospel presentation at a surprising point: the wrath of God. Is it justified? If so, why?

    - Last week’s sermon was Paul’s introduction, which gave a summary. Now we are starting to work through what Paul shares as an explanation of the gospel. WHAT IS THE BIG QUESTION PAUL IS STARTING WITH? Is the wrath of God justified? - Romans 1:18a. - The first four words are “the wrath of more

  • 3. How Faith Brings Salvation

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2023

    This part of Paul's argument gets into what exactly Jesus does for us.

    - [Don’t read the whole passage to open the sermon.] - Review of the sermons up to this point: a. Overview. b. We are all sinners. - Having established the problem, we are now starting to get into the answer and how exactly God is working in that. WHAT'S THE PLAN FOR SALVATION? more

  • 4. Where Does This Salvation Place Me?

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2023

    What is the position that this salvation puts me in?

    WHERE DOES THIS SALVATION PLACE ME? I have peace with God. - Romans 5:1-2. - Pieces of this passage: a. We talked in the last sermon about being justified by faith. - v. 1a. b. Where that salvation places me is that I now have peace with God. - v. 1b. c. Jesus made that happen. - v. 1c. d. more

  • 5. How Do We Live Out This Salvation?

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2023

    Paul now shifts to a major misunderstanding about grace and explains what living out this salvation should look like.

    A LOOPHOLE? Can we just keep sinning and use grace as an excuse? - Romans 6:1-2. a. Grace is the means by which salvation comes to us, but grace is easily misunderstood. - v. 1. - We closed out with grace last week. It’s the reality that we cannot earn our salvation but we receive it as a free more

  • 6. If I’ve Received Salvation, Why Do I Still Struggle?

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2023

    Romans 7 delves into the struggles we as Christians experience in this world: wanting to follow God yet often caught up in our sin nature. What does Paul teach us about how we are to look at that reality?

    DEAD MAN WALKING: Dying with Christ is important because it means we’ve been freed. - Romans 7:1-4a. - Chapter 7 obviously flows from chapter 6. Last week in chapter 6 the big ideas we talked about were the (a) we are dead to sin and alive to Christ and (b) that we have to choose if we are going more

  • 7. What Is The End Result Of This Salvation?

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2024

    Paul concludes Romans 1-8 by talking about walking in the Spirit and the certainty of our hope in Christ.

    WALKING FORWARD: Living by the Holy Spirit is effective. - Romans 8:1-13. a. No condemnation but how do I live it out? - Romans 8:1. b. Life in the Holy Spirit sets me free. - Romans 8:2-4. c. This is a choice of what’s in our minds. - Romans 8:5-8. d. This is not optional. - Romans more