Sermon Series
  • 1. Return To God

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The first call of prophet Zechariah was a call not to repeat the mistake of their forefathers and return to God while they still can. Now that they have returned to their homeland, they are to stay faithful to God.

    Zechariah is not an easy book to read and understand, but we will try and learn together over these few months. God has important words for His people. • It’s difficult because God speaks not only to the present situation in Judah (with the people now engaging in rebuilding the Temple) but also more

  • 2. Word Of Hope

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God's plan for Israel and Jerusalem goes beyond the current struggles the people are facing. The future is beautiful and glorious. God will establish His Kingdom through Israel.

    Zechariah started to speak when the remnant resumed the rebuilding of the Temple. • His first words were ‘repent and return to God’, never to repeat the mistake of the past and reject God again. • They would have understood, having suffered the wrath of God and 70 years in exile. God has not more

  • 3. By His Spirit

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2019

    The Lord assured Zerubbabel that the work of rebuilding the Temple would be completed, not by human might and power, but by His Spirit. He is encouraged to look beyond his present distress to the glorious future that God has determined.

    God gave His prophet Zechariah 8 visions in one night. • The 1st vision God assured His people that He still cares. He was angry with the hostile nations for their harsh treatment against Israel. • In the 2nd vision God revealed that He has judged the powerful empires because they scattered more

  • 4. God Has The Final Word

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2019

    In the last 3 visions, we see God's judgement against sinners, Israel and the world. God is determined to judge sin as a just and righteous God. He is equally determined to show mercy by providing a Saviour in the coming of the Messiah, the priest and king, so that sinners can be saved.

    We’ve come to the last of the 8 visions that Zechariah saw in one night. • God gave him these visions while he was ministering to the people, encouraging them at the early stage of the rebuilding of God’s house. • The last 3 visions shared the same theme - God’s judgement on sin. Last week Lester more

  • 5. God's Future For His People

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2019

    god promises to establish His Kingdom through Israel. The blessed nation will become a blessing to the world. God will make that happen by His sovereign grace and will.

    Two years after the night visions and about halfway through the rebuilding project, a delegation from Bethel came with a question for the priests and prophets. • “Should I mourn and fast in the fifth month, as I have done for so many years?” (7:3) • Zechariah gave them these FOUR messages from more

  • 6. The Coming King

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2019

    The King will come and His Kingdom will be established in the end time. He will reign over the earth from Jerusalem. Israel will be regathered as His flock in His land. This is the heart of God. He wants to be with His people.

    God gave the remnant in Zechariah 9-14 TWO oracles (messages) revealing their future: • In Zech 9-11 God foretells the COMING of their Messiah, the King. • We know that Jesus did come, and He will come again. When He returns, He will establish Himself as King in Jerusalem and reign over the more

  • 7. Rejection Of The Good Shepherd

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2020

    Israel rejects the only good Shepherd and replaces him with others who aren't true shepherds. They suffer the consequences of rejecting their Messiah.

    We’ve come to the concluding part of FIRST oracle, started in Zech 9 and ending Zech 11. • God executes His judgement upon the nations surrounding Israel. A picture of God as the divine warrior watching over Israel. He said He will defend His house (9:8) • In the second part we read of the more

  • 8. The Certain End

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2020

    In the end of times, Israel can expect a huge battle and much suffering, but Christ will return to deliver them and rout the enemies, establishing His millennial kingdom of holiness. The glorious end is certain for Israel and the world. We trust Him.

    We started the book of Zechariah in OCT last year and we’re ending it today. The last oracle (chapters 12-14) talks about the future of Israel. • Everything is uncertain to the returnees in Zechariah’s time (520BC) but the future is certain to God; He planned it. Remember how it starts - 12:1 more