Sermon Series
  • 1. Switched On - Empowered By The Spirit

    Contributed on May 10, 2015

    Following the Disciples in the Book of Acts, this message looks at the first sermon ever preached, by a forgiven and transformed Peter.

    Sermon for CATM - May 10, 2015 - “Empowered by the Spirit” We are still in the afterglow of Easter, and we’ve decided to keep following the earliest disciples of Jesus, also called the Apostles - as they move forward, after they see Jesus, who they knew had been more

  • 2. Now What? Responding To The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on May 18, 2015

    The work of the Holy Spirit created a huge response to the gospel on the original Pentecost. It could have gone very differently but for the fact that God was at work, creating the nascent Church.

    CATM Sermon - May 17, 2015 - Acts Chapter 2:36-47 We ended last week’s message by considering how the many people gathered responded to Peter's message of the Gospel, and to the fact that Jesus had died for them, even as they orchestrated His murder. And one of the things that makes more

  • 3. The Beggar In Acts Chapter 3

    Contributed on May 25, 2015

    This is a first person dramatic monologue, spoken from the perspective of the beggar healed by Peter and John through the power of Jesus Christ. It covers the material about him in Acts chapter 3 and 4.

    [The following is a dramatic monologue, spoken from the perspective of the beggar healed by Peter and John through the power of Jesus Christ. It covers the material about him in Acts chapter 3 and 4]. [This was inspired, an in fact the first part is a direct borrowing of the material, by a more

  • 4. Pray, Together

    Contributed on Sep 14, 2015

    A Message on the power of praying together.

    Sermon for CATM - June 7, 2015 – Pray Together Over the last number of weeks we’ve been looking at some very intense moments in the life of the early church, when the Holy Spirit moved powerfully and the number of people who believed in and received Jesus was in the thousands. more

  • 5. We're Only Human

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2015

    The book of Acts shows us our DNA as a church.

    We're Only Human - September 20, 2015 - Acts 14:8-18 We’ve been paying close attention to the Book of Acts for the last number of months, with some breaks. But we’ve been, hopefully, learning a fair bit about the early church, which as I’ve mentioned, is really our early, more

  • 6. Ready For Anything, Come What May

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2016

    The Apostle Paul was ready for anything, for persecution or for death. How did he get that way? How do we get ready to be able to handle what ever may come our way.

    January 17, 2016 - Sermon - Acts 21:1-15 - Here is the live audio version: Today we’re continuing to follow the very dramatic journey of Paul, and we’re nearing the last bend of our tour through the book of more