Sermon Series
  • 1. Belong (Part 2 Of 4)

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2021

    In Christ, we find the place of belonging that we all long for, the place of perfect truth, endless grace, and unconditional love. In the body of Christ, we find the human belonging that we need. It is in the context of belonging that we grow in our faith and are made like Christ.

    Take a moment and think of where you have felt the strongest sense of belonging? Was it because of the location. . . or the people. . . or about the memories. . . or maybe it was the safety. . . or the familiarity? Maybe it is at home in your country, with your people and your culture. Maybe it is more

  • 2. Abide (Part 3 Of 4)

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2021

    The Christian life can only be lived as we are connected to and totally dependent on Christ. It is in abiding in Christ that we find intimacy with Him and have access to all the resources that are ours in Christ. Without Him we can do nothing.

    They had all gathered for a night of celebration. They were the closest of friends. The table was set. All in attendance reclined on the floor around the table to observe the Passover meal. They were there to remember God´s mighty works that had freed the children of Israel from slavery in more

  • 3. Bear Fruit (Part 4 Of 4)

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2021

    As one abides in Christ, only then can he or she bear fruit that will last. Like the vine in John 15, it is only as we stay connected to Christ that Christ will bring about fruit in us and through us for His glory.

    As we look at John 15, we must remember the context. Jesus was talking with His disciples. It was the end of the Last Supper, right before they walked to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus would be arrested. Jesus had just told them that one of them would betray Him. He had talked of how He was more