Sermon Series
  • 1. Attitude: The Response Of A Successful Steward

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    We learn about three different attitudes with regard to stewardship.

    Scripture Think of a person whom you greatly admire and respect. Do you have such a person in mind? Good. Now, what is it about that person that you appreciate so much? What is it that really draws you to them? Let’s list the qualities and characteristics of the person whom you greatly more

  • 2. Blessings: The Resources Of A Successful Steward

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    God has blessed his people with gifts. This sermon explores three truths we need to know about our giving God.

    Scripture Let me tell you a story that will put today’s message into a picture to which you can relate. Many years ago when my son Jon was very young, I took him to McDonald’s and bought him some French fries. While sitting together enjoying each other’s company, I idly reached over to take more

  • 3. Consecration: The Requirement Of A Successful Steward

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Possessions alone do not give spiritual fulfillment. Only Jesus Christ gives spiritual fulfillment. Spiritual fulfillment is found when we receive Jesus Christ into our lives and submit everything to his sovereign control.

    Scripture For the past two Sundays we have been in a series of messages on The ABCs of Stewardship. The material for this series of sermons comes from Dr. John Maxwell. So far we have looked at “Attitude: The Response of a Successful Steward,” and “Blessings: The Resources of a Successful more

  • 4. Donation: The Reward Of A Succesful Steward

    Contributed on Sep 24, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    It is not our duration of life but our donation to life that counts. Giving has nothing to do with assets. Giving has everything to do with attitude.

    Scripture Today we come to the conclusion of a series of messages on The ABCs of Stewardship. For the past four weeks we have been talking about stewardship, and today I want to talk about “Donation: The Reward of a Successful Steward.” The material for this message comes from Dr. John Maxwell. more