Symbols Of Heaven
Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jun 24, 2013 (message contributor)
1. Heaven Is A Marriage
Contributed on Jun 24, 2013
Marriage is about the union of two hearts, and in Heaven it is the marriage of Christ and His Church. If we do not see ourselves connected/united to Christ in a covenantal relationship, we will fail to grasp the nature of life after death.
In Revelation 21, John the Apostle sees Heaven as “a bride dressed for her husband.” The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5 compares the union of husband and wife to that of Christ and the church. We are the Bride of Christ. It’s been said, regarding Heaven, the Bible provides the ...read more
2. Heaven Is A Party
Contributed on Jun 24, 2013
Heaven is party-central, and the party starts now, but doesn't get into full gear till we get to Heaven, or when Jesus returns--whichever comes first.
When Biblical writers speak of Heaven, they often use figurative language. I suspect the reason is that they’re trying to express heavenly realities with the limitations of human language. Trying to describe Heaven to us is like trying to describe this world to an unborn child. And so ...read more
3. Heaven Is A City
Contributed on Jun 24, 2013
Heaven is our true home, a city that will reveal Paradise restored..."Salvation history began in a garden and ends in a city."
A man died and arrived at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter greeted him, then noticed the man was carrying a suitcase. “What’s in that?” he asked. The man said it was filled with gold bars. Peter frowned and told the man that this wasn’t permitted; in fact we can bring nothing ...read more
4. Heaven Is A Concert
Contributed on Jun 24, 2013
Heaven is all about harmony, unity, a place where divisions will be past and we will be one Body. Heaven is a symphony where each movement is better than the one before. "You ain't heard nothin' yet!"
What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? I have several: I remember going to Lincoln Center to hear the NY Philharmonic perform Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto #2. Seeing Paul McCartney in Frankfurt, Germany was quite an experience. Wynton Marsalis playing jazz in San ...read more