Sermon Series
  • 1. Approaching Stewardship

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2015

    Introlduction to this concept using the parable of the talents and other scriptures

    Approaching Stewardship Pastor Eric J. Hanson August 31st, 2014 What is Stewardship Which Honors God? Let’s define some terms and frame an understanding now. Steward: one who manages property belonging to another Stewardship: the office (the function) of performing more

  • 2. Financial Principles For Success

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2015

    Time tested, biblically sound principles for getting out of debt and using money well. Also touches on matters of wrok.

    Financial Principles for Success Pastor Eric J. Hanson Indebtedness is a form of slavery. (Proverbs 22:7) Failing to pay, and to do so in a reasonable time frame, when we have bought a service or goods is theft. (Romans 13:8, Proverbs 3:27-8) Money is not God and should not be served (and more

  • 3. And Everything Else

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2015

    Stewardship goes way beyond financial matters and includes our management responsibility before God, for every aspect of life.

    AND EVERYTHING ELSE Christian Stewardship in All of Life Pastor Eric J. Hanson October 28, 2007 In the past few weeks we have looked at what it means to exercise stewardship over those things which the Lord puts into our hands as his people. We have looked at financial integrity, and at more