Sermon Series
  • 1. Three Plus One Equals Infinity

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Dramatic monologue, done as if I were Daniel, reporting on his three friends in the fiery furnace. Focus on spiritual identity in a power-hungry world.

    (Singing) “When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, His grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee, He only designs thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.” Whew! Does it seem hot in here to you? Does it feel as though the very fires of hell are more

  • 2. The World Demands A Life-Giving Vision

    Contributed on Jan 20, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Sermon delivered in support of our theme for 2002, and on the occasion of our annual meeting. A vision brings death if it is not communicated; it is discerned in prayer; and it always calls for repentance for the incompleteness of our obedience.

    Two things you learn, if you are at all observant about churches. First, that church people do not agree on their vision of what the church should be about; and, second, that the world knows what the church ought to be about better than church people know. We who gather week by week as the church more

  • 3. Numbered, Weighed, And Given Away

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    Sermon for Deacon Ordination service; we obsess on things that do not matter and ignore things that do make a difference. Our sin is using holy things for our own pleasure, compounded with a failure to read the signs of the times.

    We give too much of ourselves to things that do not last. We give too little of ourselves to things that will endure. It is easy to obsess on things that don’t matter. It is tempting to ignore things that really count. If something does not change that pattern, at the end of the day, we are more