Sermon Series
  • 1. Seven Sundays To Easter: "sir, We Would See Jesus"

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2021

    Passover was near and Jews from all over the world were coming to Jerusalem. Some of them came in contact with Philip, one of our Lord's disciples, and asked for his assistance.

    (Note: this message is based on a sermon preached at First Baptist Church of Sigourney, Iowa in March 2019 and is not an exact reproduction.) Introduction: The Lord Jesus Christ was on His way to Jerusalem, where in just a few days He would be crucified and would die for the sins of the world. more

  • 2. Seven Sundays To Easter: Behold, Your King Comes To You!

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2021

    Just a few days before Passover, our Lord rode into Jerusalem riding a donkey. The people with Him knew exactly what was going on but some of the people in Jerusalem asked, "Who is this?"

    Introduction: This event, the “triumphal entry”, is recorded in all four of the Gospels. Each author has similar but not identical information; among other things this proves they didn’t get together to create some “talking points” or too-close-to-be-a-coincidence narrative. Matthew and John were more

  • 3. Seven Sundays To Easter: "she Did What She Could"

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    If you ever felt like you did all you could for Jesus, the woman in this story knows exactly what you mean!

    Introduction: This story takes place in Bethany, near Jerusalem, just a few days before Passover. The Lord Jesus Christ spent some time in Bethany before He made His last journey to Jerusalem to die for our sins and rise from the dead for our salvation. During one of His last meals with friends, more

  • 4. Seven Sundays To Easter: He Loved Them To The Uttermost

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2021

    Jesus and the 12 Disciples celebrated Passover in the "upper room" in Jerusalem. While they were there, the Lord showed these men just how much He really loved them. Other things happened there, too.

    Introduction: The apostle John was an eyewitness to many of the events he recorded in his Gospel. One of the most touching, in my opinion, is this episode that took place just hours before the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. He knew exactly what the Lord meant, when John said the Lord loved them more

  • 5. Seven Sundays To Easter: In The Garden Of Gethsemane

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Jesus and the Eleven Disciples left the upper room and walked over to the Garden of Gethsemane. There Jesus prayed earnestly to the Father. Even though the disciples had come along with Him, our Lord was probably never so alone as He was at this time.

    Introduction: Jesus and the eleven disciples finished their time in the Upper Room. Judas Iscariot had left them so he could betray Jesus to the chief priests and others. He missed out on the truths which our Lord shared with the others in John 14-16, and the Lord’s beautiful beyond words in John more

  • 6. Seven Sundays To Easter: "whence Art Thou?"

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2021

    Pontius Pilate asked Jesus this question. The reply of Jesus to that question left Pilate very unsettled!

    Introduction: John chapter 18 records the arrest of Jesus while He and the disciples were in the garden of Gethsemane. In one of the most illegal trials of history, Jesus was questioned by several different people including Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. Pilate, being a pagan Roman, more

  • 7. Seven Sundays To Easter: The End—but It Wasn’t

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2021

    The Lord Jesus Christ had been sentenced to death by crucifixion. Once He died, most people believed that everything died along with Him. But it wasn't--three days later, He arose from Joseph's tomb, ALIVE!

    Introduction: The Lord Jesus Christ had been betrayed and arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, as all four Gospel writers describe in their works. What happened next is an attempt to get rid of Jesus by any means necessary in the minds of the religious leaders. It’s a sad commentary that more

  • 8. Seven Sundays To Easter: Mary Magdalene’s Undying Love For A Risen Savior

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2021

    John 20 records Mary Magdalene's journeys to the tomb where the body of Jesus was placed. She was the first person to see and speak with the Risen Lord Jesus, and showed Him her undying love.

    Introduction: Mary Magdalene was one of the women who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry. Jesus had cast seven demons out of her at an earlier time (Luke 7-8:2) so no doubt she would be grateful for that miracle. She was there when the Lord’s body was laid in the tomb (Mark 15:40-47) and more