Sermon Series
  • 1. God-Honoring Ambition

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    WOrking hard for the Lord.

    Title: God-Honoring Ambition Text: Chapter 2:11-20 God-honoring ambition leads to a life of purpose. Nehemiah 2:11-20 11 So I came to Jerusalem and was there three days. 12 And I arose in the night, I and a few men with me. I did not tell anyone what my God was putting into my mind to do more

  • 2. Unity In The Body Of Christ

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    Working together to build the church.

    Text: Nehemiah 3 Title: Unity in the Body of Christ I. Unity behind a common cause II. Unity in the midst of diversity III. Unity with humility IV. Unity achieves excellence When I first scanned over chapter 3 here I thought, great, just a laundry list of names. That’s not too more

  • 3. Overcoming Discouragement

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How to deal with discouragement in the Christian life.

    Text: Nehemiah 4:1-23 Title- Overcoming Discouragement We all face periods of frustration and discouragement. But we can overcome discouragement through God’s grace! I. The Source of discouragement a. Ridicule- 1-3 b. Open opposition- 7-8, 11 (security) c. Fatigue- 10 II. The more

  • 4. Financial Planning 101

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Biblical guidlines for money management.

    Title: Financial Planning 101 Text: Nehemiah 5 Three Keys to Successful Money Management I. Be careful how you borrow- 1-5 a. Don’t borrow more than you can afford b. Don’t borrow foolishly c. Save for the rainy days II. Be faithful in how you budget- 6-13 a. Stick to godly more