Sermon Series
  • 1. Satisfried

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2014

    At the end of the day we want to be satisfied and most of have been convinced that somehow money is the answer. Today I will expose three lies that sound true and three truths that sound false.

    Satisfried. Hi, My name is Rick and I’m addicted to money. [This is where you say, “Hi Rick” thus acknowledging that you are part of the same American consumer culture that I am.] We live in a world that is designed by people who want you and me to spend money in the vain more

  • 2. Discontented

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2014

    Most people will agree in principle that the one who gives is more blessed than the one who receives. But they still struggle with giving – often because they can’t give. They have too many bills and are struggling to get by.

    Satisfied. Last Sunday I began a series of messages called “Satisfied.” that is about money – except it’s not really about money. It’s about life. In that message I pointed out three lies that sounded like truths and three truths that sounded like lies. Three more

  • 3. Submissive

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2014

    Two weeks ago I taught that the core principle of satisfaction was rooted in giving. Not spending, not getting, not working, not saving, not investing, not begging, and not gambling. The only way to achieve a satisfied life is by giving.

    Why? There are a lot of things in the world that just don’t make sense. They are mysteries to me. Here are a few of the things I wonder about: As we get older in school why do the desks get smaller? This is the desk I had in elementary school. Here is the desk I had in Junior HI. Here more

  • 4. Obedient

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2014

    Obedience is like being pregnant. In the same way that it is impossible to be kind of pregnant, it is impossible to be kind of obedient.

    Fan… or Follower? A fan likes God when life is good. A follower obeys God when life is hard. We’ve been talking about what it takes to have a satisfied life. In week one I talked about how important it was to be a giver if you want to experience a satisfied life. Spending, more

  • 5. Prosperous

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2014

    That’s the world view of the good life… but it is as empty and unsatisfying as that huge chocolate bunny you get your kids at Easter. I mean it looks fabulous… but it’s hollow and it tastes like flavored wax.

    The Unsatisfying Easter Bunny For most of people the word “prosperity” connects with the idea of being successful financially and living the “good” life. But in God’s economy prosperity is so much more than a thick roll of money in your pocket, two SUV’s in the more