Sermon Series
  • 1. Whether Feast Or Famine

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2024

    Admittedly, Ruth is not a book we think of often. But we would be mistaken to think Ruth is not beneficial to us today or not part of God’s salvation narrative.

    Slide 1 As we began planning for fall, one tool we used was reviewing where we had been. We look for gaps what remains lacking in a balanced biblical diet. So on screen, you see our last nine years of sermon coverage of Genesis through Kings. The colors represent the different years. We are more

  • 2. Naomi's Crisis Of Meaning

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2024

    Life IS more complicated than you think given all of our identities. Through Naomi's meaning crisis we explore our own identity crisis and how God drives home the solution.

    INTRODUCTION: 196 Last week, our first reading of Ruth changed how we see God’s providence and activity in our lives. We don't get God's attention until His timer reaches zero. We learned that we can be hopeful because He's active in each of our lives all the time. His love for more