Sermon Series
  • 1. The Verse That Changed Everything!

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Starting the series on Romans, this sermon focuses on Romans 1:16-17 and how these verses launched the Reformation, which changed the world.

    The Verse That Changed Everything! Roman’s Series CCCAG March 8th 2020 Scripture- Romans 1:1-17 Intro: I’ve been really looking forward to beginning this series. Even though I know that for me anyway, it will be a lot of work, I know it has the potential to grow us, to equip us, and to prepare us more

  • 2. Darkness Revealed

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2020

    Resuming Series on Romans, a look how Godlessness and Wickedness cause a person or culture to slide into wrath and judgment

    Darkness Revealed Roman’s Series CCCAG June 7th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 1:18-32 This morning, we will be taking a journey that for some may be a little uncomfortable. Most of the time we come to church to be encouraged and strengthened for the next week, and that’s part of what coming to church more

  • 3. The Replacements

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2020

    Continuing the series on Romans, we talk about some of the things people use to dilute or replace the simplicity of the Gospel.

    The Replacements Romans Series CCCAG June 14th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 2 (Melanie Reading) Good morning everybody. Last week we had a really difficult sermon that looked at that deadly slide that will happen as people turn their backs on genuine faith. If you were not hear, I’d strongly more

  • 4. All Means All

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2020

    A sermon discussing the hopeless of people without the Gospel

    All Means All Romans Series CCCAG March 15st, 2020 Scripture- Romans 3 (Shane Reading) One of the great tragedies of today's culture is that we have lost the ability to talk to one another reasonably. The reasons are twofold. The first is a deficiency within our educational system in that we more

  • 5. The Father Of Faith

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2020

    Using Abraham's life as an example, we explore the Apostle Pauls teaching about faith in Romans chapter 4

    Faith Like Abraham Romans Series CCCAG June 29th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 4 (Chris Reading) Today we're going to be looking at Romans chapter 4 as part of our series on the book of Romans. These chapters we are in really nail down the idea of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and as more

  • 6. Finding Hope In Suffering

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2020

    Pastor John shows how God can even use suffering to develop a rock-solid hope and faith.

    Finding Hope in Suffering Romans Series CCCAG March 15th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 5:1-19 Cramming for exams- what 2020 is for the Christian For us, started with Pastor Roger’s death Then COVID Then the lockdowns, including this church Various shortages- including toilet paper of all things Then more

  • 7. Chain Breaker

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2020

    A sermon explaining how Jesus can break the chains of sin in our lives

    Chain Breaker Romans Series CCCAG July 19th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 6 Rom 6 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were more

  • 8. Dying To Your Dark Side

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2020

    A sermon that talks about the born again experience and how we can come into a new life with Jesus

    Dying to Your Dark Side Romans Series CCCAG March 15th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 7:1-20 (Gen Reading) Introduction- “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson Anyone ever read that book in high school, or seen one of the many movies portraying these characters? A brief more

  • 9. Grafted In

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2020

    Teaching how we are grafted into the faith of Abraham

    Grafted In Romans Series CCCAG September 13,2020 Scripture- Romans 11 As most of you know this last week I was over in Marshfield doing nursing clinicals. This is the first time then I got to take care of patients as a nurse instead of being a paramedic. After sorting through a lot of computer more

  • 10. Act Of Worship

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2020

    Teaching about how God is worshipped through laying down our lives for him- everything is about God!

    Living Sacrifice Romans Series CCCAG September 20th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 12 This week we have some awesome news come out of Washington about another Middle East peace agreement. The current administration was able to broker a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and more

  • 11. God And Government

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2020

    A look into how Christians interact with human government

    God and Government Romans Series CCCAG September 26th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 13 I'm going to be honest with you. Out of all the scriptures in Romans, this is the one that I wanted an excuse to avoid because it’s the scripture that everyone will have a strong opinion about, and even more more

  • 12. Clothed In Christ

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2020

    A sermon explaining how a Christian should be completely infused with Christ's personality, presence, and power.

    Clothed In Christ Romans Series CCCAG October 4th, 2020 Scripture- Romans 13:8-14 How many people here will ever admit to having a fashion disaster? I admit I have very little concern or even time to care what the latest fashion is. and I know everyone here is saying we know. This didn't more