Sermon Series
  • 1. Risk Is Right Part 1

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2014

    This sermon is meant to encourage our church to overcome fear of death, and embrace the struggles we facwe throughout life in the flesh. Based on chapter 5 in John Piper's Book, "Don't Waste Your Life"

    RISK IS RIGHT 1 Mark 8:34-38 Risk defined is an action that exposes you to the possibility of loss or injury! Risk in the name of Jesus is right! Risk in the pursuit of God is right! Not risks in pursuit of exhilaration, or just for fun. We’re talking about risks in life based on faith more

  • 2. Risk Is Right Part 2

    Contributed on Nov 12, 2014

    This sermon is meant to encourage our church to overcome fear of death, and embrace the struggles we facwe throughout life in the flesh. Based on chapter 5 in John Piper's Book, "Don't Waste Your Life"

    RISK IS RIGHT 2 Mark 8:34-38 Risk defined is an action that exposes you to the possibility of loss or injury! Last week: O.T. examples of risk – Joab, Esther, Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego. Romans 8:37 – Reminds us that it is “IN” our struggles we become more than more