Sermon Series
  • 1. Gods Hand In Our Suffering

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Part one of series on Ruth

    GODS HAND IN OUR SUFFERING Redeeming Ruth, Part 1 Today we begin a six-week study in the Book of Ruth, If you’ve got a Bible, you can turn to Ruth, Chapter 1 [pew bible page 179] Many people believe Ruth is not only the finest short story in all of scripture, but one of the finest more

  • 2. Luck, Favor, And God’s Providence

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Part 2 of series on Ruth How does our concept of luck relate to God's favor and providence?

    Luck, Favor, and God’s Providence Ruth Part 2 Would you consider yourself a lucky person? I’m not very lucky, if my wife and I are in some kind of raffle, or door prize drawing, I never win, if we win anything its almost always her ticket. Some of you would say, Yeah, more

  • 3. God's Hand In Our Risk

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016

    The Providence of God sometimes requires taking a risk in faith

    GODS HAND IN OUR RISK Ruth Part 3 What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? Do we have any risk takers here? Any bungee jumpers? Skydivers? Scuba Divers? Who’s got a motorcycle? How many of you ride without a helmet? How many of you play golf? That’s a risky more

  • 4. Gods Hand In Our Redemption

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2016

    Part 4 of series on Ruth

    GODS HAND IN OUR REDEMPTION Ruth, Part 4 This is the last week of our series on the book of Ruth. Lets do a little review, for those of you who may have missed a week. The story takes place in the time of the Judges, which is a dark period of Israel’s history, about a thousand more