Sermon Series
  • 1. God's Prayer Agenda (Pt 1)

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2022

    When we understand God’s agenda for prayer our prayer life will be enriched.

    In our recent Discipleship Survey it was exciting to see that a majority of us here at BBC pray at least once per week. Some of you are pretty spiritual - over 40% pray at least 4 days a week! But looking at this chart it also appears that a bunch of people still struggle with prayer. A quarter more

  • 2. God's Prayer Agenda (Pt 2)

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2022

    The second part of the prayer moves from ‘You’ — God — to ‘us’ and our more earthly concerns.

    Last week we began looking at God’s agenda for prayer through the lens of the Lord’s Prayer. We saw that according to our recent survey a lot of us are struggling with prayer. Many of us don’t pray at all and quite a number only pray two or three times a week. I suggested that part of our more