Sermon Series
  • 1. The Chosen Sacfirice

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2009

    Do you carry a burden today? Is life an up hill struggle? Would you be willing to surrender your life as a sacrifice to please God?

    The Chosen Sacrifice Genesis 17:15-27 Hebrews 5:1 Last week I introduced you to the Patriarchs with Please Pass the Patriarchs. The sermon title was to reference the fact that the Patriarchs provide the spice to our collective religious history. We learned that God called Abram out of Ur more

  • 2. The Chosen People

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2009

    For millennia the Jews have suffered oppression, slavery, genocide and many, many more hardships to numerous to list. Yet the Bible records them as being the chosen people. Just what they have been chosen for?

    The Chosen People Romans 9:1-5 Genesis 12 1 Please Pass the Patriarchs Last week I presented a message called The Right Place at the Right Time. I was using the life story of Jacob in the bible to illustrate how some of us try to put ourselves in what we think is the right place at the more

  • 3. The Right Place At The Right Time

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Is it all just a matter of luck or chance? How can I find my way and change my mediocre life into one that is marvelous?

    The Right Place at The Right Time Genesis 27:1-26 Hebrews 11:20 As a Pastor I have a sacred trust with God. I have been entrusted to give you the good news about Jesus Christ. I have also been entrusted to lead you to green pastures that are lush with every kind of spiritual food necessary to more