Sermon Series
  • 1. He Is My Everything

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Introducing Philippians, the most joyful letter in the New Testament. And the joy is all about Jesus.

    There are three New Testament books that are letters written from jail: Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. I don’t know if anyone here has been to jail or prison, but I have... not as a resident or inmate, but as a minister. My cousin Phillip Melson, whom some of you may remember when he came more

  • 2. When God Opens Hearts, And Opposition Comes

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God directed Paul to Philippi to preach the gospel. Acts 16 reveals both the open hearted reception and the opposition he faced. We should expect the same when we share Christ today.

    When God opens hearts he comes into them to dwell. Acts 16 gives us the history of how the gospel was planted in Philippi, how God opened their hearts to hear and obey the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This lesson continues our introduction to the letter of Philippians. Let's read more

  • 3. Overcoming Fear And Opposition

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2011

    What are you afraid of? God directs us in how to face and overcome fear and opposition to the gospel by tools of faith that Philippians reveals to us.

    Jenny and I were listening to public radio in the car recently and the guest being interviewed was Steven King. Does everyone know who he is? I have never read his books but he has written about 49 and has a new one that is just out about the assassination of Kennedy entitled 11/22/63. His more

  • 4. Living And Loving Like Jesus

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants his children to love each other and get along. Nothing is more true, yet nothing more challenging. Philippians helps us here.

    Philippians 2:1-11 What difference has Jesus made in your life? In the first four verses Paul gives us if/then instructions. IF you have these - Spiritual Supplies: Encouragement Comfort Fellowship Tenderness Compassion THEN practice these with one another - Relational more

  • 5. Three Relationships

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    There are three relationships that the Bible describes. Each one of these relationships has a key word that keeps them in focus.

    Shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15 In our study of Philippians we have looked at the amazing author, Paul, who writes this most positive letter from prison. It's a letter laced with joy. Why? Because of the relationship the writer has with Jesus Christ. His every breath is about more

  • 6. Example

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Philippians gives us four examples of faithfulness to follow. Jesus, Timothy, Epaphroditus, and Paul. We all need leaders, fellow followers and others we lead to Christ.

    How many of you know what a bear trap is? I looked on youtube and found several videos of bear traps. One actually showed a guy intentionally punch his fist into a set, toothed bear trap and it did what a bear trap will do when the trigger is hit, it clamped shut on his arm. There were some more

  • 7. Brother, Worker, Soldier

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Epaphroditus is a Christian model for us to consider. Paul's words about him remind us of who we are to be as Christians.

    Philippians 2:25-30 Risking Your Life/ Brother, Worker, Soldier Paul said of Epaphroditus, he is my brother, my fellow worker, my fellow soldier for Christ. He risked his life in the service of Christ. Honor men like him. Have you ever observed one of your children doing something or more

  • 8. Be Like Me!

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2011

    Role models are a must for Christian growth and development. Nothing could be clearer in Paul’s writings than that he wanted others to do what he did and be like him. Why? Because to the best of his ability, he was like Christ.

    How many of you have put together a model car? Let me show you some models. (power point of a few cars) What do all of these models have in common? There are lots of things we could mention. Let me share just six things these all have in common: 1. They are all cars. 2. They all are more

  • 9. Merry Christmas!

    Contributed on Dec 24, 2011

    What is Christmas anyway? Jesus!

    What is Christmas? Is it a Christian holiday or a pagan holiday? The answer depends on who you ask. The Bible says nothing about early Christians celebrating Christ’s birth. In fact, it was at least 300 years after Jesus died, rose again and sent the Holy Spirit to initiate the church before more

  • 10. Together We Stand

    Contributed on Dec 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Joining with others to follow Christ is the clear model for Christian living according to Paul. We need examples to follow, fellow followers to journey with, and to be examples for others to follow. Many will not do it. You and I must!

    Happy New Year Signal Mountain! Welcome to the first Sunday of 2012! This is a good time of year to look back and see where we’ve been, look around and see where we are, and look ahead to see where we need to go next. But the first thing to do is look up and acknowledge our sovereign God who more

  • 11. When Christians Disagree

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Unity is crucial to Christian witness. Nothing is more essential and nothing brings God glory like the love and unity of the body of Christ in a fallen world. Yet this struggle is pervasive. How does God want us to deal with it?

    Powerpoint available upon request: ask for "Powerpoint for When Christians Disagree." When Christians Disagree Philippians 4:2-3 is an unusual text that we need to slow down and look into. 2 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in more

  • 12. Peace Of God

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a powerful peace that is ours to enjoy in Jesus Christ! Listen to God's word about how we come to know and have this peace.

    The Recipe for God's Peace As you read the New Testament letters of Paul and Peter you will notice the phrase “grace and peace” in all of their introductions. Romans 1:7, 1 Cor. 1:3, 2 Cor. 1:2, Gal. 1:3, Eph. 1:2, Phil. 1:2, Col. 1:2, 1 Thes. 1:1, 2 Thess. 1:2, *1 Tim. 1:2, *2 more

  • 13. Think!

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2012

    Peace of mind comes to those who think obediently. Paul gives us great instruction here and promises that the God of peace will be with us as we practice Christian thinking and doing.

    Can you control your thoughts? Not that you have absolute and total charge over everything that goes on in your mind, but, can you decide to think about something if asked? If you can’t, we need to get help for you. Perhaps I should start all over and ask how much control do you have over your more

  • 14. God Wants To Make You Rich!

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2012

    God supplies all our needs, but He wants to give us abundantly more. That eternal wealth is offered to us all. Will we receive it?

    Philippians 4 Thanks for Their Gifts 15 Moreover, as you Philippians know, in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel, when I set out from Macedonia, not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only; 16 for even when I was in Thessalonica, you more