Sermon Series
  • 1. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 1

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This series will focus on the image that God has of us and how we can spend a lifetime trying to make His image of us a reality in our life.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Scriptures: Genesis 2:7; Ephesians 2:10; Proverbs 23:7; 29:18 Introduction: I have titled this series “Painting God’s Masterpiece.” My older brother Barry preached a sermon titled “Re-painting Your Canvas” and the idea for this sermon series is based on his more

  • 2. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 2

    Contributed on May 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message focuses on the images we should be seeing versus what we are currently focusing on.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Scripture: Genesis 1:3; 2:7; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:10; Colossians 2:9-10; Introduction: Last week I introduced this message with an example of how important images are. I stressed the fact that we live by the fulfillment of images – meaning that the image we more

  • 3. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 4

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2009

    Part 2 on leaving the land of WERE. Message focuses on how God gave us insight into what we can be through Christ if we accept it.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Part 4 Living In The Land of WERE Part 2 Scriptures: Deut. 4:9; 14; Matt. 13:54-58; Eph. 1:3, 11-14; Rom. 6:14-18 Introduction: Last week in part 3 of my series “Painting God’s Masterpiece” I focused on living in the land of WERE (Where Every more

  • 4. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 3

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Part one of living in the land of WERE.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Part 3 Living In The Land of WERE Scriptures: Deuteronomy 4:9; 14; Genesis 12:2; 15:4-6; Numbers 13:27-33 Introduction: After God led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, Moses gave them some instructions about remembering what God had done. In Deuteronomy more

  • 5. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 5

    Contributed on Jun 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on us seeing ourselves being seated with Christ.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Part 5 Scriptures: Ephesians 2:4-6, 10; 5:1; Luke 14:8-11; Matthew 15:24-28; Introduction: This is part 5 of my series “Painting God’s Masterpiece”. In order for us to operate in and become the image that God has established for us we must first begin to see more

  • 6. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 6

    Contributed on Jul 4, 2009

    This message focuses on hope.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Part 6 Why Seeing Is Important Scripture: Hebrews. 11:1; Romans 8:24-25; Habakkuk 2:2-4; Matt. 13:13-15 Introduction: In my previous messages I shared with you that we are painting God’s masterpiece with our lives. God has a plan for each of us and He has more

  • 7. Painting God's Masterpiece Part 8

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2009

    This message is the conclusion of the series and focuses on Christ being our hope.

    Painting God’s Masterpiece Part 8 Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:1; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Numbers 6:24-26 Introduction: This message will conclude this series. This morning we will examine how Christ represents our hope, our vision and our image. As I have gone through this series, I have more