Sermon Series
  • 1. Sin In Relation To God

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    First in a series of five from Amos; God loves us and desires a relationship with us and that is why sin is so important to him.

    Sin in Relation to God Amos 1 & 2 I. Revelation of God’s Standard and Humanity’s Sin (1:1-2:8) 1. Uncaring Inhumanity (1:3-5) 2. Unjust Treatment (1:6-8) 3. Unbound Relationships (1:9-10) 4. Unforgiving Grudges (1:11-12) 5. Unbelievable Cruelty (1:13-15) 6. Unneeded Disrespect more

  • 2. Fidelity In Relation To God

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    Second in a series of five sermons from Amos; because of his love for us God desires our faithfulness to him.

    Fidelity in Relation to God Amos 3 & 4 Fidelity is the quality or state of being faithful or loyal. It implies strict and continual faithfulness.—Webster’s Dictionary 1. God’s Relationship with His People (3:1-2) • God has singular fidelity to His People. • Through Jesus I am His more

  • 3. Repentence In Realtion To God

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Third in a series of five from Amos; God loves me and desires a relationship with me--calling me to repentence.

    Repentance in Relation to God Amos 5 & 6 Repentance is a change of heart, mind, & direction.–Ken Freeman 1. God desires a relationship with me (5:1-6) • John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. • John 3:16 more

  • 4. Judgment In Realtion To God

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    Fourth in a series of five from Amos; because of his love for us and hate for sin God will judge us.

    Judgment in Relation to God Amos 7-9:10 1. God’s judgment brings destruction (7:1-6). • God may show grace for a time. • 2 Peter 3:9, God is patient in judgment. • What would it really take for God to get my attention? 2. God’s judgment results from missing His standard (7:7-9). • Romans more

  • 5. Restoration In Relation To God

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    The final of a five part series from Amos; God’s great love leads him to restore our relationship.

    Restoration in Relation to God Amos 9:11-15 1. God promises to restore his people; we will be lifted up. (v11) • A question of position. “God is far more interested in who you are, than in what you do. You are human BEINGS, not DOINGS.”—Rick Warren • Isaiah 53:6, says we have all gone more