Sermon Series
  • 1. A Reckless Path

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2022

    In Revelation 2:14 Balaam is a warning to the church. An insider causing the destruction. Beware of someone on the reckless path causing the church to compromise from within. It is the ultimate sell-out.

    The story of Balaam is a fascinating one. What you might think of first with Balaam is that he was the prophet whose donkey spoke to him. It was incredible and there is nothing else quite like it in the Bible. Balaam is significant in Old Testament history and for the New Testament church. There more

  • 2. When You Really Blow It

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2022

    The actions of Moses brought serious consequences. He led the people of Israel for almost forty years. Now it was time to cross into the promise land. Moses would not lead them in. He would not even be able to enter. Moses really blew it. But this is a message of God's grace.

    Have you ever really blown it? Maybe there was a time when you lost your temper at a meeting and slammed your fist down on the table? Suddenly you realize this is not how I wanted things to go. Maybe you did something far worse. You realize that nothing is going to be the same from this time more

  • 3. Don’t Miss God’s Best

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2022

    Moses was told to go and explore the land. It was two men who became famous for their faith in God. Joshua and Caleb believed with God they would take the land.

    Israel missed Gods best when 12 spies returned, and the majority said it was too difficult to take the promised land. Any task can feel giant when you look to the size of the task and not to God. When you look at the giant impossible task compared to your own abilities you feel like a more

  • 4. Prone To Wander

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2022

    We don’t need to go through life in meaningless wandering. God has a purpose intended for you. There is no need of the tragedy of wasted years once you begin your journey with Christ.

    The Hymn Come Thou Font of Every Blessing was written by Robert Robinson. In 1752 when he was seventeen years old, he went to hear George Whitefield preaching. He went drunk to the meeting planning to make fun of the preaching. That day Whitefield preached on the wrath to come. The sermon made an more