Sermon Series
  • 1. Nine Attitudes To Live By - The B Attitudes

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2007
    based on 200 ratings

    This is an overview of the nine "Be" Attitudes for Christian living. Nine full sermons will follow. This sermon can be used as an introduction to the series or as a stand alone sermon.

    Nine Attitudes to Live By - The B Attitudes In the gospel of Matthew chapters five, six and seven we have a sermon of Jesus. This section of scripture has come to be known as: “The Sermon On The Mount.” It’s called the Sermon on the Mount because in chapter five Matthew tells us that when more

  • 2. Humility - The First Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2008
    based on 59 ratings

    This sermon looks at the first "Be" Attitude. Three benefits of humility. 1. Humility reduces STRESS. 2. Humility improves RELATIONSHIPS. 3. Humility releases Gods POWER.

    Humility - The First Step To Happiness What would it take to make you happy? This question was asked of 52,000 Americans in Psychology Today. These were the answers: Friends and social life Having a good job Being in love Recognition and success Sex Personal growth Good financial more

  • 3. Repentance - The Second Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2008
    based on 46 ratings

    This is the second "be" attitude - Repentance. 1. Repentance involves a U-TURN. 2. Repentance involves a CONFESSION. 3. Repentance involves depending on the GOODNESS OF GOD.

    Repentance - The Second Step To Happiness by Tom Shepard Matthew 5:4-5:4 Repentance - The Second Step To Happiness Today we are looking at the “BE” attitudes. They are found in chapter five of Matthew. Follow along with me as I read. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is more

  • 4. Teachability – The Third Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 47 ratings

    This is the third "be" attitude - Becoming Teachable. (Meekness) This sermon looks at five lessons about meekness.

    Teachability – The Third Step To Happiness We have been making a journey through the “be” attitudes. So far we have looked at how humility helps lead us to happiness. We looked last week on how repentance leads us to happiness. This week we are going to learn how becoming teachable also more

  • 5. Righteousness – The Fourth Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2008
    based on 44 ratings

    This is the fourth of the "Be" attitudes.

    Starving For Righteousness – The Fourth Step To Happiness We have been making a journey through a section of the scripture known as the beatitudes. The beatitudes are found in Matthew chapter five. All of them begin with the word “blessed.” Another word for blessed is happy. So as we have more

  • 6. Mercy – The Fifth Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 57 ratings

    This is a sermon on the fifth beattitude. Mercy: I’m merciful - 1. If I’m patient with those are DIFFERENT from me. 2. If I forgive those who have FALLEN. 3. If I help those who are HURTING. 4. If I do good to my ENEMIES.

    Becoming Merciful – The Fifth Step To Happiness We have been making a journey through a section of the scripture known as the beatitudes. The beatitudes are found in Matthew chapter five. All of them begin with the word “blessed.” Another word for blessed is happy. So as we have been making more

  • 7. Purity – The Sixth Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 54 ratings

    This is the sixth of the "be" attitudes. THREE STEPS TO HAVING A PURE HEART 1. Remember that God sees EVERYTHING. 2. Review my MOTIVES. 3. Realign my PRIORITIES.

    Purity – The Sixth Step To Happiness We have been making our way through a section of scripture known as the beatitudes. They are found in Matthew chapter five. Each of the beatitudes begins with the word – blessed. This word could also be translated – “Happy”. So as we have been making our more

  • 8. Peacemaking – The Seventh Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2008
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon looks at the seventh "Be" attitude. Peacemakers: A. Pay attention to what they SAY. B. Attack the PROBLEM not the person. C. COOPERATE as much as possible. D. Emphasize RELATIONSHIPS above resolution.

    Peacemaking – The Seventh Step To Happiness Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the “be” attitudes. Each beatitude begins with the word “blessed”. “Blessed” can also be translated “happy”. So as we have been going through the beatitudes we have been finding steps to happiness. more

  • 9. Endurance - The Eighth Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2008
    based on 46 ratings

    This sermon is about four steps to build endurance: 1. Recognize the SOURCE. 2. Refuse to RETALIATE. 3. Respond POSITIVELY. 4. Rest in Gods PROTECTION.

    Endurance - The Eighth Step To Happiness We have been making our way through a section of scripture know as the beatitudes. The beatitudes are found in Matthew chapter five. Each of the beatitudes begins with the word Blessed. The word blessed in this section of scripture could also be more

  • 10. Faithfulness – The Ninth Step To Happiness

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    This is the last sermon in this series. Faithful Christians are: 1. Faithful in their TRIALS. 2. Faithful in their TESTIMONY. 3. Faithful with their TREASURE. 4. Faithful with their TALENTS. 5. Faithful with their TIME.

    Faithfulness – The Ninth Step To Happiness We have been looking at a section of scripture in the gospel of Matthew known as The Beatitudes. It is found in Matthew chapter five. Each of The Beatitudes begins with the word “Blessed.” As you recall – blessed could also be translated “happy” – so more