Sermon Series
  • 1. What Doesn't Kill You Will Only Make You Stronger

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "Momma Says...".

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#1] WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU WILL ONLY MAKE YOU STRONGER James 1:1-8 Introduction: For those of you who know my mother, you know where I get my “gift for gab”. My mom loves to talk and she always has a saying for everything. You have probably heard and said many more

  • 2. Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the series "Momma Says...".

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#2] DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER James 1:9-11; 2:1-13 Introduction: [Items needed: A big target on a bulletin board (have a picture of Jesus underneath the target); a table with several darts on it; a blank piece of paper in the bulletin; and extra pencils in more

  • 3. Don't Take The Bait

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    This is the 3rd sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#3] DON’T TAKE THE BAIT James 1:12-18 Introduction: [Items needed: Mousetrap.] (Hold up the mousetrap as you ask the question.) What is this? That’s right, it is a mousetrap. And, what do you do with a mousetrap? Right again. You catch mice. Now can you more

  • 4. You Can Talk The Talk But Can You Walk The Walk

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#4] YOU CAN TALK THE TALK BUT CAN YOU WALK THE WALK? James 1:19-25 Introduction: [For this sermon, don’t comb your hair, make sure your clothes don’t match, etc…] Talk is cheap. It is easy to tell people things; but to prove it, that is a different story. more

  • 5. Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#5] STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME James 3:1-12 Introduction: [You need a tube of toothpaste.] I have a challenge for someone this morning. I’m going to squeeze the toothpaste out of this tube onto this saucer and I want more

  • 6. Where The Rubber Meets The Road

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the 6th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#6] WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD James 2:14-26; 3:13-18 Introduction: Regardless of what we do at this church, or how clever the sermons may be, or how good the music is; we need to look at where the rubber meets the road. This morning I want you to reflect more

  • 7. Let's Get Down To The Nitty Gritty

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006

    This is the 7th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says... (James)[#7] LET’S GET DOWN TO THE NITTY-GRITTY James 4:1-12 Introduction: I would like start off this morning by reminding you of what our Church’s vision is: 1.Lead the lost to Jesus Christ! 2.The people of this Church live lives in the world that lead the lost to more

  • 8. You Can Take That To The Bank

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 8th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#8] YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK James 4:13-5:12 Introduction: I would like start off this morning by reminding you of what our Church’s vision is: 1. Lead the lost to Jesus Christ! 2. The people of Bel Aire Baptist Church live lives in the world that lead more

  • 9. Keep Your Eye On The Ball

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 9th sermon in the series "Momma Says..."

    Series: Momma Says… (James)[#9] KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL James 5:13-20 Chris (Congregational Reading): What is our vision? It is our vision to: 1. Lead the lost to Jesus Christ! 2. Live lives in the world that lead the lost to Jesus Christ! 3. Intentionally make all church activities more