Sermon Series
  • 1. Creation Under God's Authority

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    The God whom we worship is the God of all creation, the King of kings and Lord of Lords. In this we can take hope that God answer our prayers, move in our lives and establish God’s will.

    Matthew 8:5-13 “Creation Under God’s Authority” INTRODUCTION Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of our prayers were answered immediately, specifically, and completely? No more aspirin. If we got sick, all we’d need to do was to pray for healing. When money got tight, all we’d need to do more

  • 2. An Empty Handed Request

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The story of the woman with a hemorrhage teaches us about God’s inclusion of all people, the melding of faith and grace, and the necessity of faith driving us to action.

    Matthew 9:20-22 “An Empty Handed Request” INTRODUCTION A fascinating characteristic of Scripture is that any given passage can have several meanings and interpretations. One day we will read a passage and we will be touched by a particular message. Another day we can read the same more

  • 3. Ministry Outside The Circle

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Leprosy has been understood to be an allegory for sin throughout the history of the church. We learn a great deal about our need and God’s great love in this story of the leper and Jesus.

    Matthew 8:2-4 “Ministry Outside the Circle” INTRODUCTION When reading a passage of Scripture, it is important for us to ask the question, “How does this apply to my life today?” The question before us, as we read this miracle story is, “What could we today, in the twenty-first century, more

  • 4. Love Breakts The Rules

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    In the story of Jesus healing the paralytic, we see the love of the man’s friends and the love of Jesus coming breaking the rules in order to change lives.

    Matthew 9:2-7 “Love Breaks the Rules” INTRODUCTION What is love? Love is a popular word in the English language. Perhaps its popularity has led to its over use and its loss of meaning. Certainly “I love spaghetti,” means something very different from the, “I love you,” that we whisper more

  • 5. God Is Present

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Our source of strength as we face the storms of life is that God is present "in the boat" with us.

    Matthew 8:23-27 “God is Present” INTRODUCTION After the monsoon storm of last Tuesday, we can easily identify with the disciples and the tempest in which they found themselves. Even with the advantages of Doppler radar and the eagerness of weather reporters who finally had something to more

  • 6. God Provides

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    We have been blessed to be a blessing. When we live in this truth we discover that God is a God of abundance.

    Matthew 14:15-21 “God Provides” INTRODUCTION We have been investigating miracles for almost two months. A complete definition of a miracle has not yet been achieved by us, but we can move in the direction of describing a miracle as God revealing himself and demonstrating his power out more

  • 7. Victory Over Death

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    In the raising of Lazarus, Jesus proclaims and demonstrates the promise of new life.

    John 11:17-44 “Victory Over Death” INTRODUCTION Human beings are a diverse group. We have very few things universally in common. Someone once observed that the only two things we have in common are death and taxes. Since there are a few people who are very adept at avoiding taxes, I can more