Minor Prophets
Contributed by Michael Goodfellow on Jun 17, 2002 (message contributor)
1. Amos, Justice And Judgment
Contributed on Jun 17, 2002
The first in a summer series on the Minor Prophets.
SERMON June 16, 2002 Donkin-Morien-Birch Grove Pastoral Charge Amos 4: 1-13 “Minor Prophets I: Amos, justice and judgement” This morning I begin my summer preaching project which will consist of twelve sermons on the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. These 12 prophets form the closing ...read more
2. Hosea, Love Over Ingratitude
Contributed on Jul 17, 2002
Continuing a series on the Minor Prophets
Today I continue my series on the Minor Prophets by looking at the prophet Hosea. With each prophet, we are forced to look at the very sketchy information they provide about themselves within the word we find written in Scripture. And in each way we try to find the answer to several important ...read more
3. Micah
Contributed on Jul 17, 2002
Continuing a series on the minor prophets.
Today I continue my teaching on the Minor Prophets with Micah. He is the last great prophet of the 8th century, the century which gave us Amos and Hosea and Isaiah. His father’s name is not recorded leaving some to think he was of low birth, from a peasant family. He was from a small village in the ...read more
4. Zephaniah, Day Of Wrath
Contributed on Jul 17, 2002
Continuing a series on the minor Prophets
Continuing our series on the Minor Prophets, we come to the short book of Zephaniah, which means “the Lord hides.” As one great Bible commentator puts it, there is no hotter book in all the Old Testament. Zephaniah was a man that burned with the Spirit of God. Zephaniah was a prophet of the great ...read more
5. Nahum, Fall Of The Oppressor
Contributed on Jul 22, 2002
Continuing a series on the minor prophets
There is something almost disconcerting about the prophet Nahum and his place in Scripture. Nahum is little more than just a name to us. He is a prophet with a very narrow and particular view of who God is. But even within that narrow vision of God, Nahum’s prophetic words give us something to ...read more
6. Habakkuk, Complaining To God
Contributed on Jul 29, 2002
Continuing a series on the minor prophets
What do we know about the prophet Habakkuk? Evidence seems to suggest that he wrote in the 7th century BC, just as the Babylonians were emerging as a world power. The Assyrians who had threatened Judah for so long were but a memory. And in Judah itself, a religious revival had begun, but in many ...read more
7. Haggai, Rebuilding The Temple
Contributed on Aug 7, 2002
Continuing a series on the minor prophets
When we come to the prophet Haggai we come to a new era in prophecy. The prophets we have read and listened to up until now have all been prophets of an independent kingdom, be it Israel or Judah. These men preached to the Israelites, as they were masters of their own land so to speak. And so we ...read more