Sermon Series
  • 1. Ministry Builder V Ministry Blockers Pt 1 Foundation

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2008

    Get the foundation and we can all be different You can also listen to this message at (March 2008)

    Ministry Builders & Ministry Blockers pt 1 Before we can build, need something to build upon, a foundation, no foundation it all folly 100% certain to fall down. 1. No other Foundation for US to build our Life, Future, home, family, Church Upon other than Jesus ……1Cor 310By the grace God has more

  • 2. Ministry Builder V Ministry Blockers Pt 2

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2008

    Connect, Covered Committed the Key to Ministry You can also listen to this message at (April 2008)

    Ministry is built when we are Connected, Committed and Covered by a Local Church. First timer, Occasional Visitor, Rebellious are not in the place to build a ministry. Connected means you are a part of the Body, NOT JUST PSYICALLY with in spirit…1Cor 5:2-4 ……Phil 22then make my joy complete more

  • 3. Ministry Builder V Ministry Blockers Pt 4 The Next Step

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2008

    Take the Next step it is mostly likely your ministry for now You can listen to this message at (April 2008)

    MBMB 4 Discovering you Ministry/Service is about Getting a dream/desire/vision/mission. Without one you’ll perish, even here you’ll perish God’s Calling may come out of your Moan/Complaint God’s Calling may come as a direct Word to your life. Prophecy… God’s calling may come cause your more

  • 4. Ministry Builder V Ministry Blockers Pt 5 Motive

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Get a Motive so God can detect a real servant You can listen to this message at (April 2008)

    Mbmb 5 Seen keys to Discovering You Ministry / Service MB.. Attitude, Passion, Moan, Taking Next Step. NOW Motive ILL Can you stop the motive in this letter Dear Marty, I have been unable to sleep since I broke off your engagement to my daughter. Will you please forgive and more

  • 5. Ministry Builder V Ministry Blockers Pt 6 Sticking At It

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2008

    Stick with Stick at and youn get there. You can also listen to this message at (April 2008)

    Mbmb 6 ILL Things you should never say to the Pastor ."I don’t care what they say, I like your sermons." "If I’d known you were going to be good today I’d have brought a neighbor." "Did you know there are 243 panes of glass in the windows?" "We shouldn’t make you preach so often." more

  • 6. Ministry Builders V Ministery Blockers Pt 3

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Turn you moan into a ministry

    MBMB 3 Ministry must be Build on the right foundation, Jesus Foundation of Church and Saviour of Soul. Ministry is Blocked when we try to build it upon Knowledge, Personality or Life Experience. However things help but the can be the only thing. Ministry is build when we are Covered, Connected more