Sermon Series
  • 1. Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 1)

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In this sereies on Thessalonians, we discover that the church in Thessalonica was an energetic church, an elect church, an evangelistic church, and expectant church. In other words, they were a mighty church!

    Marks of A Mighty Church (Part 1) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 8/9/2015 A man reportedly approached Charles Spurgeon one Sunday morning and said, “I’ve visited many church these past few years and all of them seem to have problems. So I keep going from church to church more

  • 2. Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 2)

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2019

    In this second sermon about the church in Thessalonica, we discover that they were a Sciptural church, a suffering church, and a strong church.

    Marks of A Mighty Church (Part 2) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 8/16/2015 In the Greek Islands, you can visit the home of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. In the area, you can also find an olive tree that he supposedly planted, which would make the tree some 2400 more

  • 3. Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 3)

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2019

    Paul's letter to the Thessalonians shows that a mighty church adoids lust, adopts love, and applauds labor.

    Marks of A Mighty Church (Part 3) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 8/23/2015 A pilot was flying over the South Pacific when he noticed smoke coming from one of the many deserted islands below. The pilot flew closer and, sure enough, there was a man there with a great huge more

  • 4. Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 4)

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2019

    A mighty church, according to Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, eagerly awaits the return of Christ, the resurrection of beleivers, the reunions of belivers, and th rewards of heaven.

    Marks of a Mighty Church (Part 4) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 9/6/2015 A novice preacher auditioned at a small country church. He was a little nervous, and about ten minutes into his sermon his mind went blank. But he recalled what his homiletics professor taught him to more

  • 5. Marks Of A Mighty Church (Part 5)

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the last chapter of 1 Thessalonians Paul gives us 12 marks of a mighty church.

    Marks of a Mighty Church (Part 5) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 9/6/2015 For the past several weeks, we’ve explored the book of 1 Thessalonians together. As I said in the beginning of this series, every local church is made up of sinners saved by God’s grace, so there’s no more