Sermon Series
  • 1. Intents Of The Heart

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2015

    The intents of the heart leads to actions. This passage reveals the intents of Jesus and the Pharisees. The hearer is challenged to do good and save life like Jesus taught.

    Mark Series Intents of the Heart Mark 3:1-6 October 18, 2015 AM Introduction: Once again we find Jesus teaching to the people with the Pharisees standing by listening for an opportunity to find something wrong with His teaching. In this instance it is on the Sabbath day. Jesus is going to more

  • 2. Encounters With Crowds

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2015

    A look at Jesus as He encounters crowds. We see him with ordinary people, demons, and His inner circle.

    Mark Series Encounters With Crowds Mark 3:7-19 October 18, 2015 AM Subject: Salvation Central Theme: Encounters with Jesus Objective: Every person should get saved because of four C’s Introduction: We continue our series through Mark. Today we look at Jesus as He encounters more