Sermon Series
  • 1. Longings To Be Followed-2

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2016

    2 of 4. Jesus invited His audience to accept Him as the Light that everyone/all should follow. Jesus is the Light that all should follow. But Why? 4 longings worthy of being followed...A Longing to be followed, fulfills the need for...

    LONGINGS TO BE FOLLOWED-II—John 8:12 Attention: Disaster Encounter "Oh, No!" he gasped as he surveyed the disaster before him. Never in his 40 years of life had he seen anything like it. How anyone could have survived he did not know. He could only hope that somewhere amid the more

  • 2. Longings To Be Followed-1

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2016

    1 of 4. Jesus invited His audience to accept Him as the Light that everyone/all should follow. Jesus is the Light that all should follow. But Why? 4 longings worthy of being followed...A Longing to be followed, fulfills the need for...

    LONGINGS TO BE FOLLOWED-I—John 8:12 Attention: VBS Theme this week: ‘Following Jesus, The Light of the world.’ There are many things we long for... Things that may or may not be Christ honoring, such as... Personal recognition, Power over others, Overly expensive more

  • 3. Longings To Be Followed-3

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2016

    3 of 4. Jesus invited His audience to accept Him as the Light that everyone/all should follow. Jesus is the Light that all should follow. But Why? 4 longings worthy of being followed...A Longing to be followed, fulfills the need for...

    LONGINGS TO BE FOLLOWED-III—John 8:12 Attention: !NO OPENER! There are many things we long for... Things that may or may not be Christ honoring, such as... Personal recognition, Power over others, Overly expensive vehicle(s), Expansive house(s) & lands, Personal comfort, Statement more

  • 4. Longings To Be Followed-4

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2016

    4 of 4. Jesus invited His audience to accept Him as the Light that everyone/all should follow. Jesus is the Light that all should follow. But Why? 4 longings worthy of being followed...A Longing to be followed, fulfills the need for...

    LONGINGS TO BE FOLLOWED-IV—John 8:12 Attention: How many of you here are hunters &/or fishermen? A father absolutely loves the outdoors. He loves being in the woods & on the water. Because of his passion for hunting & fishing, his family eats a considerable amount of wild game. In fact, more