Sermon Series
  • 1. Living The Life We Were Meant To Live

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    An introductory sermon to a series exploring "The Sermon on the Mount." This message lays out the importance of this passage, and provides a challenge to go deeper in God’s Word. The largest, best, and most popular preaching research and resource site in the world…if they do say so themselves. Or I should say, ourselves? Because there are more than 80,000 totally free sermons, illustrations, and dramas, including more than 100 from yours truly. more

  • 2. A Big Picture Perspective

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2008

    This series explores the Sermon on the Mount. With this introductory message, we examine the overall themes and structure of this dynamic teaching from Christ. Extensive inspiration for this series derived from D. Martin Lloyd-Jones "Studies on the Ser

    (Recite Matthew 5:1 & 2). And with those words we are launched into one of the most famous, worldwide known sermons of all time. Let’s see how well we know the Sermon on the Mount. A little Sermon on the Mount Trivia. (Give trivia quiz) Well today we want to establish a big picture more

  • 3. Being Like The Beatitudes

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message continues our series on The Sermon on the Mount by taking an overall look at the Beatitudes, and their impact on the life of a Christ follower. Extensive inspiration for this series derived from D. Martin Lloyd-Jones "Studies on the Sermon o

    (Read Matthew 5:1-10) We are on week three of our study of the Sermon on the Mount. So far, we have just been establishing some groundwork. Looking at why we would dedicate such energy to this study, and what the overall structure of the sermon is. I hope you are getting engaged at a personal more

  • 4. Blessing In Poverty

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    As we continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount, we dive into the descriptions of a Christian’s character as defined by Christ in the Beatitudes. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

    For the next three weeks we are back to our in depth study and look at the Sermon on the Mount. If you have accepted the challenge to do some scripture memory as a part of this journey together, then you would be up to Matthew 5, verse 3. And depending on your translation, you will have memorized more

  • 5. Happiness In Mourning...say What?

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Beatitudes paint a counter-culture picture of the character of a Christian. Blessing is found in poverty of spirit, and in mourning. Doesn’t seem possible, but it’s a truth that Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount.

    Here we go. The Sermon on the Mount covers three chapters in the book of Matthew. Chapters five through seven. In chapter five Jesus teaches us about the? Law of God. Chapter six is about living in the? Presence of God. And Chapter seven will walk us through the? Judgment of God. But more

  • 6. The Missing Meek

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    The Beatitudes flow out of each other. Our poverty of spirit leads to our mourning, and teaches us to live meek. But this is often the missing link in the life of a Christian. This message explores Jesus’ teaching on meekness in the Sermon on the Mount

    (Opened message with BlueFishTV Video Clip depicting a church service similar to a Football Telecast) Quite a production the church has become. Visit the right congregation on the right Sunday, and you will feel like you have fallen into a happening similar to the Super Bowl, or a UK basketball more