Sermon Series
  • 1. The Call Of Abraham

    Contributed on May 14, 2019

    Relating Abrams call to Canaan to the call God makes on believers live's today

    Lessons from the life of Abraham Faith and Obedience: The Call of Abram Welcome to this series of messages on the life of Abraham – or Abram as we know him up to Genesis 17. By studying the life of this man of faith we can learn so much that is relevant to us. In the story of his life we gain more

  • 2. The Birth Of Ishmael

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2020

    Having faith is not enough. The patriarchs inherited God's promises by faith and patience. This discussion of Ishmael's birth highlights the necessity of not trying to make things happen but of patiently waiting on God to fullfill his promises in our lives.

    Lessons from the life of Abraham Faith and Patience: The Birth of Ishmael When we come to chapter 16 of Genesis, we find that Abram’s faith begins to waver - he begins to lose his simple, happy confidence in what God had promised him. God had said that he would have a son through whom would come more