Sermon Series
  • 1. God Sized Dreams

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2015

    Beginning a series of sermons from Ecclesiastes. What we learn from the Preacher will help us move forward in life.

    Dream Big July 12, 2015 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 You need to write this very first statement in your sermon notes. It’s really profound . . . AND what’s best is I thought this up all by myself. Here it goes — I hope you’re ready!! Have you ever noticed this . . . the more

  • 2. Pursuing . . .

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2015

    part 2 looks at Solomon's attempts to find joy through other means.

    Pursuing . . . Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26 July 19, 2015 It’s hard to believe that it was only 15 days ago when we celebrated the 4th of July. We know the Declaration of Independence declared declares we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of more

  • 3. God Is The Center

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We place ourselves at the center, when it should be God.

    God is the Center Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 July 26, 2015 Back in the 1960s the mayor of the city of Chicago was Richard J. Daley. He was famous for being the last of the big time bosses of the city. Daley was sharp, powerful, and had an enormous ego. One fall a speechwriter who worked for more

  • 4. The Need For Community

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2015

    A look at chapter 4. We need to live within community.

    Three is Better Than One Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 August 2, 2015 We’re in week 4 of looking at Life Lessons from Ecclesiastes. Again, this is not very optimistic literature, but if we’re willing we can find the hope in this book. Solomon is the writer and he’s trying to find more

  • 5. Money! Money! Money!

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    Continuing our look at Ecclesiastes as we learn life lessons in Chapter 5.

    Money, Money, Money Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 August 9, 2015 I want to talk with you about what is probably the most controversial and disliked subject in the church. Right now your mind is racing . . . what is it? It could be lots of different things, but it’s not . . . . The most more

  • 6. Life Ain't Always Fair!

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2015

    We learn from Solomon that life is not always fair. Yet, God is just!

    Life Ain’t Always Fair Ecclesiastes 7-9 August 23, 2015 Have you ever done something really nice for someone and it backfired? It doesn’t matter what the reason or what you did . . . maybe they showed no appreciation – there was no thank you, no acknowledgment that you did more

  • 7. Remembering God

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    The final sermon in the series as Solomon reminds us to Remember our Creator.

    Remembering God Ecclesiastes 12 August 30, 2015 Live in continual communication with God and with a constant awareness that He created you. I wonder how many times I have told people I will remember something and within 10 seconds I have already forgotten what I was supposed to remember. more