Sermon Series
  • 1. Why The Law?

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The first message in a series on Leviticus is an introduction to what we will study for the next five weeks. Paul explains the purpose of the Law in Gal. 3:24 where the law is called a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

    Leviticus Series #1 Why the LAW? Galatians 3:24 CHCC: June 13, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Recently I looked back over my records of all the sermons I’ve preached at Castle Hills Christian Church and realized that over the past 25 years, I’ve preached from all the books of the New more

  • 2. The Sacrificial System

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at the sacrificial system in Leviticus chapters 1-10, we discover why God provided a way to deal with sin through animal sacrifices and why this system was replaced by Christ's once and for all sacrifice of himself at the cross.

    Leviticus Series #2 The Sacrificial System Leviticus 1 - 10 CHCC: June 20, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Today we’re going to look at the first part of the Old Testament Book of Leviticus. This book outlines the details of the Laws that God’s Nation would follow. Last week we more

  • 3. Cleanliness Laws

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The Third sermon in the Leviticus series deals with cleanliness laws from chapters 11-15 and compares the temporary cleanness of the law system to the permanent cleanness we enjoy because of Christ.

    Leviticus Series #3 Cleanliness Laws Leviticus 11-15 CHCC: June 27, 2010 Visual aids: Magnifying Mirror, Hand Sanitizer, and Matryoshkas (nesting doll from Russia) INTRODUCTION: Put hand sanitizer on hands and wash them, then pat face, then look in mirror (small side). Make a more

  • 4. Personal Holiness

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The Fourth message in the Leviticus series focuses on Leviticus 16-27 dealing with the various laws dealing with personal holiness and how Christ has provided what we need for life and holiness in himself.

    Leviticus Series #4 Personal Holiness Leviticus 17-27 CHCC: July 4, 2010 INTRODUCTION: Well, today is July 4th, a national holiday which just happens to coincide with one of our days of worship. While we are celebrating Independence Day today, I will be taking the time to outline for more

  • 5. Seven Feasts Of The Lord

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2010
    based on 12 ratings

    The 5th message in the Leviticus series focuses on the 7 feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23 and how they all point to Jesus Christ for fulfillmemt

    Leviticus #5 - Feasts of the Lord Leviticus 23 - Castle Hills Christian Ch.- July 11, 2010 This is the 5th in the Leviticus sermon series we’ve been having this summer. I’ve skimmed lightly over the book, but I want to give special attention to chapter 23. In this one chapter more

  • 6. The Grace Of Giving

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The 6th message in the Leviticus series compares the commandments on tithing in Leviticus 27 with giving under the grace system of the New Testament

    The Grace of Giving Sermon #6 in Leviticus series CHCC: June 6, 2010 II Corinthians 8:7 INTRODUCTION: I read an interesting Biblical statistic the other day concerning the frequency of certain words used in the Bible. It seems that… Believing is mentioned 272 times in the more