Let Us Pray
Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 23, 2019 (message contributor)
1. (Section 1) - What Is Prayer? & (Section 2) Prayer And God's Work
Contributed on Mar 23, 2019
Prayer is the most wonderful act in the spiritual realm as well as a most mysterious affair.
LET US PRAY (Section 1) by Watchman Nee I. WHAT IS PRAYER? A. Prayer is the most wonderful act in the spiritual realm as well as a most mysterious affair. 1. The power of prayer lies not in how much we pray but in how much our prayers are ...read more
2. (Section 3) Prayer And God's Work & (Section 4) The Principle Of Praying Thrice
Contributed on Mar 23, 2019
When God works, He does so with specific law and definite principle.
LET US PRAY by Watch Nee III. PRAYER AND GOD'S WORK Isa. 62:6-7 A. When God works, He does so with specific law and definite principle. God's primal principle is that He wants man to pray. There was once a ...read more
3. (Section 5) Prayer That Resists Satan
Contributed on Mar 23, 2019
In a successful prayer, both the petitioner and the petitioned gain.
LET US PRAY (Section 5) V. PRAYER THAT RESISTS SATAN A. Our Prayer has Three Aspects 1. We ourselves. 2. The God to whom we pray. 3. Our enemy, Satan. The petitioners are we; the petitioned is God. In a successful ...read more
4. (Section 6) Some Pointers On Prayer & (Section 7) The Wearing Out Tactics Of Satan
Contributed on Mar 23, 2019
God has given us sufficient provision for prayer. In His Son and by the Holy Spirit we may trust and find help.
LET US PRAY (Section 6) VI. SOME POINTERS ON PRAYER A. God has given us sufficient provision for prayer. In His Son and by the Holy Spirit we may trust and find help. 1. Trust --> Having the full assurance to depend upon. A spirit of trust is most essential to prayer. If our ...read more