Sermon Series
  • 1. Pt. 2 Nehemiah's Confession

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Part 2 of a 7 part series based on biblical people and how they connected to God through prayer. feel free to use any or all of this...

    Learning to Pray Pt.2 Nehemiah’s Confession Intro: Last week we started talking about prayer… How many of you ever prayed the bed time prayer? It was one that my mom had us pray as kids… we even had a plaque on the wall with the prayer on it… I don’t know about more

  • 2. Pt. 1 Abraham's Intersession

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A seven week series on how people from the bible engaged God in prayer. feel free to use any or all of this...

    Learning to Pray Pt. 1 Abraham’s Intersession Intro: I think it is awesome how God has made us all different. He has given us all some things that we are good at… In my home, all four of us have things that we are good at: Amy is good at organizing and managing our home, without more

  • 3. Pt. 3 Psalms: A Prayer For Justice

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    this is Pt3 of a 7 part series on learning to pray from the bible. this one is focused on the boston bombing.

    Learning to Pray Pt.3 Psalms: A Prayer for Justice Intro: There are times in life where there are no words. Like a gift that is unexpected and just what you needed… When she said yes… When a child takes your hand and looks up at you and smiles… When you see the sun set over more

  • 4. Pt. 4 Hannah's Plea

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    pt. 4 of a 7 part series on prayer. looking at biblical people and how they connected with God in prayer. feel free to use any or all of this...

    Learning to Pray Pt.4 Hannah’s Plea Intro: At my house I have this green shelf that is mine. Amy loves order and I live in chaos, so in order to keep the balance in our house I get this little shelf in order to spread chaos! This is also the place where things go that get broken, where more

  • 5. Pt. 5 Jehoshaphat’s Cry For Help

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    part 5 of 7 series on prayer. looking at how people in the bible connected with God in prayer. feel free to use any and all of this!

    Learning to Pray Pt. 5 Jehoshaphat’s Cry for Help Intro: His name was Colin, and I punched him in the face… why because he was a loud mouth punk, but that is not important, what happened after is. His father made it his personal task to verbally assault me and make my life miserable. more

  • 6. Pt. 6 The Lord's Prayer

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    pt. 6 of 7 on learning to pray. looking at people from the bible and how they connected to God through prayer. feel free to use any or all of this.

    Learning to Pray Pt.6 The Lord’s Prayer Intro How many of you believe deodorant is important? How often do you use it? How many of you believe that changing your oil in your car is important? How often do you do it? How many believe it is important to have a clean house? How often do more

  • 7. Pt.7 Peter’s Failure

    Contributed on Sep 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Pt. 7 of 7 on learning to pray. looking at biblical people and how they connected to God through prayer.

    Learning to Pray Pt.7 Peter’s Failure Intro: How many of you were the crammers in school? Wait to the last minute to study for a test? You were the one with your notes out furiously trying to cram any and all information into your head, hoping it will stick for the next hour or so while more