Sermon Series
  • 1. Jehoahaz

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2022

    Sermon introduces the church to the era covering the last three kings of Judah (minus Zedekiah) and how it closely mirrors American today.

    Three Kings- 1 CCCAG, September 11th, 2001 Scripture: 2 Kings 23:30-35 Today we are going to begin a short series of three messages detailing the lives of the last three kings of Judah that ruled after Josiah died. I say 3 and not 4 because I’m not including Zedekiah as he was not a true king, more

  • 2. Jehoiakim

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2022

    Showing the church that the spiritual conditions in Judah closely match those of today's America

    The Last 3 Kings of Judah- Jehoiakim CCCAG, Sept 18th, 2022 Scripture: 2 Kings 23:36-24:4 Have you ever trusted in the wrong person? (Feelings of betrayal) We had a discussion recently at work about trusting people. The opinions varied from “I don’t trust anyone” to “I’m by nature a trusting more

  • 3. Jehoiachin

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2022

    Showing how the conditions in Judah immediately before Babylon conquered them closely resemble America today

    Jehoiachin Three Last Kings of Judah- CCCAG 10-2-22 Scripture- 2 Kings 24:8-17 As most of you probably have figured out by now, I love history. I know when you say the word “history” most people’s eyes glaze over and they remember this class as their least favorite in school- having to memorize more