Sermon Series
  • 1. What Is God’s Will For Me? Prt1

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2013

    Based on John MacArthur's book "Found: God's Will" How do I understand what God’s will is for my life? Have you ever heard someone say or maybe you, like me, have said these words… “I’m searching for God’s will”?

    How do I understand what God’s will is for my life? Have you ever heard someone say or maybe you, like me, have said these words… “I’m searching for God’s will” When I hear this statement this morning, it sounds as if I believe the will of God is lost. For more

  • 2. What Is God’s Will For Me? Part 2

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2013

    Are you saved? Are you Spirit filled? Are you sanctified? How about submissive to Gods’ authority or to those in authority around you? Are you suffering for Christ sake or are you just suffering? based on John MacArthur's "Found: God's Will"

    Last week we started looking at the question “What is Gods’ Will for me? And we saw the very first thing that; 1. In order to be in God’s Will I must first be saved. There is no Will without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ… 2. God’s Will is that I be more