Sermon Series
  • 1. Worship Christ At Christmas And Always

    Contributed on Dec 8, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    To truly keep Him as our focus, we must start by truly worshiping Christ. What can we learn from those who worshiped Christ at the very first Christmas?

    Keep Christ in Christmas Worship Christ Joseph worshipped through Obedience Mary Worshipped through Submission The Magi worshipped through Sacrifice Series introduction Well, here we are. December 2013 and the Christmas season has started. But in a lot of places in our country, I am more

  • 2. Give More "Presence"

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    How can we get back to celebrating Christmas with less of the stress and yet give even more meaningful gifts that will express our love in greater ways?

    Give more “Presence” Slide I want to ask you a question. What makes a good gift? Is it the amount of money that is spent on the gift? Does a good gift come from certain stores only with certain names on them? Is a good gift one that is completely practical? Is it exactly more

  • 3. Love Like Christ

    Contributed on Dec 23, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Christmas is a time that God showed us how much he loved us. Now He calls us to love other as He loved us. Let’s see some ways that God loved so we might learn to love like Christ!

    Love like Christ Keep Christ in Christmas 12/21-22/2013 Introduction Slide Love. Love is a word that is quite overused. We love a lot of things. We love our football, our cars, our houses, our kids. We love our freedom, we love our guns. We love our dogs, and even our cats. We love more