Sermon Series
  • 1. Jtv: A Temptation Island #1

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019

    Jesus' temptation and success provides us hope through an understanding of God’s inner workings when we are tempted.

    This week we begin a new 6-week message series entitled, “Jesus Television or JTV.” The premise is that for Americans, who watch an average of 4 ½ hours of TV per day, 32 hours per week (Nielsen Media Research – , the TV and its program represent almost a 1/3 of person’s waking more

  • 2. Jtv: Let's Make A Deal #2

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019

    Where is the deal if being a Christian requires choosing tomorrow’s promises over today’s values?

    As you know, last we began a message series entitled, “Jesus TV.” JTV is an imaginary cable network of programs which mimic current and former hit shows by using their names to explain biblical truth. This week’s show is, “Let’s Make A Deal!” How many of your remember the show? The show was more

  • 3. Jtv: The Incredible Race #3

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019

    We all need to cleanse our temple to get back to the mission of Jesus Christ. How are you doing in cleaning yours?

    This week we continue our message series entitled, “JTV” or Jesus Television. We established last week that the average American watches 29 hours of TV per week according to that source of all knowledge the Starbucks coffee cup. Almost a third of our waking lives are affected or infected vy the TV more

  • 4. Jtv: The Court And The Judge #4

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus actions forever changed the penalty portion of our time of judgment.

    God’s TV station would mimic other shows, they would underpin a key scripture to help teach real truth to a culture that has been taught to doubt, question and render a verdict based on individual feelings, experiences and secular teachings. It’s from this seat of judgment, we tune into one of more

  • 5. Jtv: America's Next Top Model #5

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019

    Jesus is calling us to radical love and generosity now.

    For those who haven’t been with us before, we’ve been walking through a Lenten message series entitled, “JTV or Jesus Television.” You see American’s watch an average of 32 hours of TV per week. Almost a third of our waking hours are spent being affected or infected by the information disseminated more

  • 6. Jtv: Amazing Race #6

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2019

    Jesus’ rising promotes on external perspective to endure life’s trial. Culture cannot give us this perspective.

    He has risen. He has risen indeed. Over the whole season of Lent, we have been taking a fresh look at the Lenten scriptures through the lens of TV. The average American watches over 29 hours of TV and whether we wish to admit it or not, TV infects or affects our lives. From what we purchase to more