Sermon Series
  • 1. His Grace Is Enough

    Contributed on Jun 18, 2001
    based on 98 ratings

    Paul - wrote this letter to let the Colossian Christians know, and to let every generation and culture since the first century, know in no uncertain terms - that Jesus Christ is enough!!!! Jesus, is ALL we will ever NEED!!! (Jesus is Enough - part 1)

    "HIS Grace Is Enough!" Jesus Is Enough Part One Colossians 1:1-8 Today we are going to begin a new series on the book of Colossians. We will spend the next seven Sundays digging into this book. Question; Have you ever wondered -- IS Jesus enough? Listen; We live in a world - more

  • 2. His Lordship Is Enough

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Today as we look at verses 13-29, we will see the great apostle Paul reminding us of who Christ is -- HE IS SAVIOR, CREATOR, GOD. And He is the CHURCH (Jesus Is Enough - part 2)

    "His Lordship Is ENOUGH! HE"S Got It Covered..." JESUS IS Enough - Part Two Colossians 1:13-29 Question; How do you like going out to eat? I sure do? Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to eat at Checkers - not the hamburger stand; but the seafood restaurant...near Perimeter more

  • 3. His Word Is Enough, Don't Be Fooled

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Paul wanted the Colossians to realize that in Christ, they already had all of the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge available to them.... Therefore what could these false teachers really have to offer them --- answer not a thing!! (Jesus Is Enough - part 3)

    "HIS Word Is Enough, Don’t Be Fooled" Jesus Is ENOUGH - part three - Col 2:1-23 A little boy was lost inside a busy shopping mall. He was standing in the aisle of a department store just crying and crying, "I want my mommy.. I want my mommy." People who passed by felt sorry for him and more

  • 4. Let Go Of The World

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2001
    based on 120 ratings

    "JESUS is ENOUGH!!" The first 2 chapters in Colossians hit hard the truth, now that we know this truth - HOW - should it effect our lives. This is what we’ll be doing the next 4 weeks... (Jesus is Enough - Part 4)

    Jesus Is Enough - Part 4 "Therefore, LET GO Of the WORLD" Colossians 3:1-11 Okay, here we go....This is week four in our study of the book of Colossians, a study we are calling; "Jesus is enough." Remember, Paul wrote this letter to the church in Colosse because false teachers had come more

  • 5. Get You Clothes On

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    You see, it is not enough to just get rid of the bad it,.Because if we only take off the bad, and never get around to putting on the good >>> we are placing ourselves in a very dangerous situation. (Jesus is Enough - part 5)

    Jesus Is Enough - Part 5 "Get Your Clothes On" Many years ago there was an emperor who was so fond of new clothes that he spent all of his money on them. He did not give himself any concern about his army; he cared nothing about the theater or for driving about in the woods, except for the more

  • 6. A Noticable Difference In Our Work

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    As we conclude this series in Colossians we see that having Jesus in our life should make a noticeable difference in our work. (Jesus is enough part 9)

    Jesus Is Enough - Part 8 "There Should Be A ND At Work" What you do 40+ hours every week, whetehr in the home the school room or the workforce - matters to God...... Question; Do you feel, that what you during the week matters to God? Listen - it is important that you do, because more