Sermon Series
  • 1. The Justice And Mercy Of God

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    This is the first sermon in a series of sermons on Isaiah revealing Jesus as a major focus of this prophetic book. Starting in Chapter 1, we see God’s redemptive plan unfolding through the promised Messiah

    Isaiah #1 The Justice and Mercy of God Isaiah 1:18-20 SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 1:18-20 INTRODUCTION: I’ve heard people say that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Old Testament more

  • 2. God's Call

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 130 ratings

    Sermon #2 in the Jesus in Isaiah series focuses on God’s call to Isaiah to commission him for ministry. There are four things Isaiah did which the text In Isaiah 6 reveals to us: 1.COMPREHEND WHO GOD IS, ISAIAH 6: 1-3 2.CONFESS WHO YOU ARE, ISAIAH 6:

    Isaiah #2 God’s Call Isaiah 6:1-8 SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 6:1-8 INTRODUCTION: A family asked a priest to help ‘straighten out’ a rambunctious young boy and his sister. After he agreed to speak to them separately, the older child, a girl of 8, went in to the office. She found the more

  • 3. Jesus, The Branch

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 30 ratings

    This is #3 in the Jesus in Isaiah series and focuses on Jesus as the Branch of Jesse’s root in Isaiah 11. This shows some of the prophetic signs pointing to Jesus as Messiah.

    Isaiah #3 Jesus: The Branch Isaiah 11:1-16 SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 11:1-9 INTRODUCTION: (background to ch. 11 and the concept of comparing Jesus to a Branch) So far we have looked at the introduction to Isaiah including chapter 1 of Isaiah, and we have examined Isaiah’s call by more

  • 4. Jesus, The Suffering Servant

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 51 ratings

    Sermon #4 in the series, Jesus in Isaiah, reveals Jesus role as the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 49-53) This is the role of the Messiah that was not understood or accepted by Jews in Jesus’ day, and yet Isaiah clearly revealed that the Messiah would suffer r

    Isaiah #4 THE SUFFERING SERVANT Isaiah 42:1-7, Isaiah 49:3-7, Isaiah 50:4-10, Isaiah 52:13 – Isaiah 53:12, Philippians 2:5-11 SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 53:3-12 INTRODUCTION: We seem to think of suffering as something foreign and strange. But scripture tells us clearly that those who more

  • 5. Jesus, The Light

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 37 ratings

    Sermon #6 in the Jesus in Isaiah series looks at how Messiah is pictured as a light in a dark place. Texts for this include Isaiah 9:2-4, 50:10-11, 60:1-3 as well as a reference in Matt.5:14-16. (Sermon #5 of this series is omitted because Ronnie Morgan

    Isaiah #6 CHCC: 02-16-03 THE LIGHT Isaiah 9:2-4, Isaiah 50:10-11, Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 5:14-16 SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 5:14-16 SKIT: This Little Light of Mine INTRODUCTION: I like it when other people assist me by bringing a unique introduction to my sermon. more