Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus And A Touch Of Faith

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    In this sermon I looked at the account of the haemorrhaging woman’s encounter with Jesus and considered its significance for the Church today.

    JESUS AND A TOUCH OF FAITH (Luke 8:40-56) INTRODUCTION _ KEITH I had just started preaching one Sunday morning when I saw someone come into the church through the doors at the back. The man sat down in the back pew, right next to one of our most welcoming ladies, so I knew he’d be well more

  • 2. Never In A Month Of Sundays

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In this message I consider what Sabbath meant to First Century Jews, how the first followers of Christ regarded Sabbath, and the implications for today’s Church.

    NEVER IN A MONTH OF SUNDAYS How do you spend your Sundays? Oh, I know that you usually come to church in the morning – that’s not in question. But what else do you do on Sundays, on the Sabbath? Perhaps, you go out for a family walk; or, wash the car; or, go shopping; or, maybe even go out to more