Sermon Series
  • 1. Making People Thirsty

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2013

    Jesus made people thirsty for the Father, and our lives should make people thirsty. (hand out notes included at the end).

    Intentional Christianity: Make People Thirsty John 7:37-38 Ill. When we started the Children’s ministry at Desdemona, we noticed that the children did not drink much water. One week, I used an illustration of water, and drank from a bottle of water several times. I would randomly say more

  • 2. Philip The Disciple

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2013

    Philip's life serves as our example of what Intentional Christian Living is.

    I got curious and did a search on Intentional Christianity. Mountain Creek Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, made a commitment last fall to be a part of ICE. The area around the church has exploded in growth recently with approximately 67,000 people living within ten minutes of the church. (SBC SC more

  • 3. Absolutes Give Us Confidence

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2013

    Jesus wanted His followers to have absolute confidence in the absolute truths He taught.

    The absolutes of religion concerning the after-life are: Absolutely no after-life > You absolutely cannot know about the after-life because no one has ever reported back >There is absolutely an afterlife, but you cannot know absolutely which way you are going until you get there >There is more