Sermon Series
  • 1. Suffering

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Is there an aswer to the cause of suffering? The worlds philosophys either deny the reality of suffering or say it must be dealt with until the release of death. The Christian worldview provides neither denial of evil nor disability in dealing with its

    Intro: There are supposedly more Christians in the world today than ever before. There are more churches, Christian organizations, and ministries. Is our world the better for it? Morally, spiritually, socially it seems every place you turn the world is getting worse. Libya, Egypt, the Middle more

  • 2. Sufferings Invitation

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Adam and Eve invited suffering into the world. By disobeying God's direct command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they asked for discipline from God. The discipline "I will greatly multiply your pain." Both for woman and man.

    Intro: Gianna Jensen is a survivor of a later term abortion. Her mother was in the third trimester of pregnancy when a saline abortion was performed. Through the grace of God she survived and was taken at 2lbs to a hospital and an incubator. Because of this botched abortion she was not supposed more

  • 3. Sufferings Purpose

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2011

    Is there a purpose in suffering? The earthquake and subsequent tsunami make us ask many questions especially if we have not trusted Jesus. Suffering reveals the good that we ignore before disaster. Suffeing calls us to examine the shortness of our life

    Intro: Just three weeks ago we began the suffering portion of this study called incarnate. Today as we draw to a close on our teaching of suffering it is in the face of large scale disaster in Japan that will cause an extended period of suffering for many. If you remember we talked about the more

  • 4. Are You A Follower Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Pray this, take this class, give this much money. Christianity has been minimized to a one time prayer, an occasional Bible study, and a regular monetary donation. What did Jesus really invite us to? Radical discipleship. Radical commitment. He dindn

    Intro: With Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Michigan and his seemingly Universalist claims that everyone will be saved. It seems more and more the Gospel message is being muddled and what it really means to be a believer is misunderstood. From the time I was young I remember hearing just more