Sermon Series
  • 1. The Second Announcement Breakthrough

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    Jacob heart fainted when he heard about the Good news of his son Joseph. The son he was told a wild beast has devoured. He was so weak and fainted to his spirit. * But when he saw the wagon that was sent ahead

    Hallelujah.... Let's thank God, please don't be ungrateful child. Thank him, He is the one that the whole world fears, the God that fight the Mid-night battles for us.. Amen, Amen... I want you to cry out loud once in this one prayer.. O Lord make me to rejoice again over what once more

  • 2. Be Strong

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2023

    Fight like a Hero so you don’t become as a slave. Joshua didn’t get into the promise land like that, he fought battles. Be Strong and be courageous my beloved in Christ stand up like a soldier of Christ and put on the Amour of Christ and conquer that battle. Because you are more than conqueror.

    In today’s economic and climatologically erratic conditions and worldwide unrest, economic disaster, stock market and banking system collapse, rising fuel costs, hurricanes, fire, we must be firm in our hope, and be strong in the Lord. Paul encouraged Timothy to be strong. This is to encourage more

  • 3. Be Encouraged

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2023

    Encouragement is something that you must build yourself with. You do not have to live in a world of hurt and doubt. You don’t have to live alone. You don’t have to weep in solitude.

    When life is tiring, when you are struggling with your sin, when family members aren’t saved, when bills aren’t paid, when school is difficult, when work is exhausting, when your health is failing, when your loved ones are hurt, when the future is unsure, and when a good friend leaves, it is easy more