Sermon Series
  • 1. Heroes Of Faith #1: Enoch: Walking With God

    Contributed on Sep 28, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    As Christians, God wants us to walk by faith. This is the key to pleasing God, and experiencing His goodness in our lives.

    HEROES OF FAITH #1: ENOCH: WALKING WITH GOD INTRO TO TOPIC: This morning we’re going to look at one of the most important topics in the Bible: Faith! FOUR TIMES in the Bible it says, “The just shall live by faith!” (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). Mark more

  • 2. Noah: Building The Kingdom

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    The Bible suggests that we spend our lives building three things: Building the Kingdom of God, Building Broken Lives, and Building for Eternity.

    HEROES OF FAITH #2: NOAH: BUILDING THE KINGDOM INTRO: Why did you come here this morning? To sing some songs and hear some stories? I hope not! Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, “I will build my church.” Not a building, but people. We’re here to see lives transformed, to provide hope, more

  • 3. Abraham: Walking By Faith

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    God is calling us to walk by faith. Faith obeys the call, believes the promise, and sacrifices everything.

    HEROES OF FAITH #3: ABRAHAM: WALKING BY FAITH INTRO TO TOPIC: Two weeks ago we began a series in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11. Enoch walked with God. We learned that to walk by faith means to walk with God. Noah built an ark. We learned that God wants us to build the kingdom. This week, more