Sermon Series
  • 1. Lessons From Noah's Ark

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    Explores the typology of the ark in relation to salvation.

    Lesson’s From Noah’s Ark Gen 6:1-8 A grandchild sitting on her grandfather’s lap listening to the Bible story of Noah’s Ark, asked "Were you in the Ark, grandpa?" He chuckled and replied, "Why, no I wasn’t." There was a pause, and the child looked up at him quizzically and asked, "Then why more

  • 2. The Right Kind Of Laughter

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    What are your expectations and reactions to God’s work in your life?

    THE RIGHT KIND OF LAUGHTER GENESIS 17:17; 21:1-8 There are times in our life when we laugh because of disbelief… “I am going to give you a million dollars….” “Yeah, right, ha ha.” And there are other times when we laugh because of joy. Something happens so good that our response is just a more

  • 3. What You Feed You Will Grow

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Story of Esau and Issac. Choice we make now will determine our future.

    WHAT YOU FEED; YOU WILL GROW GENESIS 25:19-25 There was a campaign that took place when I was in elementary school and older. It was promoted on poster that decorated our school cafeteria. The posters had a clear message, ¡§You are what you eat.¡¨ Today I would like to play on those words a more

  • 4. For Such A Time As This

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    God’s providence in the life of Esther led to the Nation of Israel being saved from the hatred of Haman.

    Why am I here? What plans does God have for me? I am only me. I can’t do much for God. Can I? Esther is a story about a beautiful young lady. A young lady that was used to save a nation. God wants to use us in His ministry and work. But God’s timing is not always our timing. Did you hear more